Letter of Intent

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5+ Year Member
May 31, 2017
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Can anyone give me more information about letters of intent? What is the overall purpose? What should it state? When is it acceptable to send one and to whom should it be sent? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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Can anyone give me more information about letters of intent? What is the overall purpose? What should it state? When is it acceptable to send one and to whom should it be sent? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
I've been wondering the same thing, but felt it may be too early to send any. I kind of got the impression that they may be for after December to show schools we are still interested in interviewing with them.

But then I did a search on here just now and after reading this thread, I'm questioning how wise it is to even send them at all:

Letter of Intent Proofread
I've been wondering the same thing, but felt it may be too early to send any. I kind of got the impression that they may be for after December to show schools we are still interested in interviewing with them.

But then I did a search on here just now and after reading this thread, I'm questioning how wise it is to even send them at all:

Letter of Intent Proofread

Thank you for linking that thread. I was under the impression that it was a necessary thing to do but from the looks of things it isn't something that should be written/sent.
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