Living in studio vs living with roommate

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Jun 20, 2001
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what would be your choice? living by yourself the first year or having a roommate...

i am going to be starting school this fall and need to decide on housing soon.


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Make a list for yourself of the pros and cons of having a room-mate. (pro- company, con- less privacy). This really is such a personal prefrence that what other people prefer can't help.
I'd live by myself.... You have the option to do anything and get home any time you want without disturbing the roommie.... You can meet with other first years anytime, any place including your own place without disturbing the roomie....See the trend ;)

You have the freedom to do anything and meet with anyone....

If you really would like to have a roommate then do so after the first year. After you've met your classmates....

Best wishes
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By myself. I rather enjoy it now - no arguments over decorating, food (I had a roommate once who labeled and numbered her eggs as she was so uptight about people possibly eating her food), cleanliness, etc.

If I get lonely I can invite people over. I NEVER have to worry about a roommate's lazy boyfriend hanging out all the time. :D
I actually decided to live by myself for at least my first year of medical school. As an undergraduate, I always had a roommate. I would never have a roommate I hadn't known as a friend previously. If I could, I would take my roommate with me up to Chicago, but she can't go! :(

I figure if I get too lonely, I can invite friends over. I already know a few people from my undergrad who will be going to my school. I'll pester them.

Well, I used to live with ppl but realise tht tht posed too many decided to live by myself instead...If you ever need company, you can always have friends over or go to your friends' place.. Good luck!
I have been doing a lot of thinking in terms of living arrangements. Financially, I think living by yourself is extremely EXPENSIVE. But, I believe that for medical school money is not an issue. I have talked to a lot of people. And they have basically advised me to live by myself. I am people person- I have lived with 3 room mates in undergrad and grad school. And huge transition to living by myself in medschool? I dunno if that will hurt me psychologically. I am very diverse person- never had a pre-med room mate and I will never live with anyone in medicine. Because, I need room to breathe when I come home, besides stress and complaints. That stuff I leave it to school. What do you guys think (upperclass men?) Live by yourself is the best thing? Own studying time? schedule? I also think its kind of scary to live by yourself.
what would be your choice? living by yourself the first year or having a roommate...

i am going to be starting school this fall and need to decide on housing soon.


If you do decide that you would rather save money with a roommate definitely DO NOT live in a studio, like your post says... That would just be too close.

If you find the right person and are in a two bedroom so you have some private space to hang out/study then it could work. But I echo what other people are saying and think that it is best to live by yourself our with a spouse.

Good luck!
Yeah most schools give you more money than you need to live off so thats not an issue.

Do you enjoy roommates or do you not is ultimately what it comes down to. Some people get along with roommates fine and like having someone to share bills/cleaning with. Some just can't live with other people.

I can't live with people and will be moving into a 1bdrm VERY soon. And I wish I'd done it last year and saved myself a lot of stress while studying for boards. So ultimately just think - do you get along with roommates or not. If the answer is no, find a studio.
don't get a roomate, esp if you are a girl. You will get sexually frustrated and make your med school experience even worst!
lol What?

I think he means if you are a female with a male roommate, the lack of free time and sexual frustration due to this lack of free time will cause you to explore sexual avenues with your male roommate, thus complicating matters in your life.
I hope most people in medical school are mature enough to be responsible. I personally would want a roomate. it would less expensive and my roomate could wake my ass up, since i'm the worst at waking up lol :sleep:
having a roomate is nice if you really get along and if u feel really comfortable with that person...otherwise, it's really annoying...since you're gonna be so stressed at school already, home should be a place of sanctuary and comfort. i've had at least 3 roomates all thru college and so as an m1, i decided to get a roomate too. i found her off of a roomate list from my school so i had no idea what kind of person she was. thruout this year, i've learned that she gets mad very easily and during situations in which she shouldnt get first i was patient with her but eventually i just stopped caring. so my advice is that if you get a roomate, think twice b4 commiting.
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I hope most people in medical school are mature enough to be responsible. I personally would want a roomate. it would less expensive and my roomate could wake my ass up, since i'm the worst at waking up lol :sleep:

A lot aren't. Many have never really been out on their own before. I know several people who lived with roommates, had falling outs over things like not paying bills on time, leaving the place a mess, etc and now choose to live on their own even though it's a little more expensive. The last thing you need in med school is extra drama. If you want a roommate, make sure it's someone you're compatible with as roommates, not necessarily as friends.
I was making the same decision a few years ago and wish to offer some insight.

Living with roommate can save money and sometimes build a life long friendship, I am still in contact with my 2nd roommate in college and consider him one of my closest friend.

The caveat is you want to avoid moving in with strangers, because they may or may not be mature or responsible enough to save you money.

If money is an issue, you can try to live in a private room in a house, where basically you are living with the landlord. Here's some pros and cons

1. cheaper than having the whole apartment by yourself.
2. usually more considerate and responsible than Landlord.
3. No obligation to find a roommate in case your roommate want to move out early.

1. Relative lack of privacy.
2. Due to substantial age difference, Landlord sometimes treat you as their child instead of an adult.
3. small landlord might be slower to fix bathroom or Fridge in case it was broken.

If you want to find a good social atmosphere, consider living in a dormitory, it's tend to be smaller, more expensive than off campus, but it will give you a good environment for know more people outside your classes. I think the social benefit and easily out-weight the financial cost.

that's my two cents, congratulation on your acceptance!

what would be your choice? living by yourself the first year or having a roommate...

i am going to be starting school this fall and need to decide on housing soon.

dorms are often cheaper than off campus too.. depends on the city. in NYC, dorms will be less :)