LLU Supplemental Length

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10+ Year Member
Jul 30, 2012
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Hi all,

I genuinely consider Loma Linda one of my top choices, mainly due to its spiritual aspect. I'm currently filling out the supplemental application, which contains several hefty essay questions. The maximum word limit is 4000 characters, so in this case, I was wondering if the longer, the better.

Doing secondaries for other schools have trained me to be short and sweet (e.g. Boston's 1000 limit), so I don't know how detailed I should be for LLU. In fact, I might be running out of things to say. I'd rather not bore the adcoms, but I'm a bit worried I might be looked at unfavorably if my answers are say, 2000 characters.

If anyone has suggestions or experience with this, I'd love some advice!:love:

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Hi all,

I genuinely consider Loma Linda one of my top choices, mainly due to its spiritual aspect. I'm currently filling out the supplemental application, which contains several hefty essay questions. The maximum word limit is 4000 characters, so in this case, I was wondering if the longer, the better.

Doing secondaries for other schools have trained me to be short and sweet (e.g. Boston's 1000 limit), so I don't know how detailed I should be for LLU. In fact, I might be running out of things to say. I'd rather not bore the adcoms, but I'm a bit worried I might be looked at unfavorably if my answers are say, 2000 characters.

If anyone has suggestions or experience with this, I'd love some advice!:love:

Isn't 4000 longer than the PS needed for AADSAS? I'm pretty sure the latter is 3500 or something and that's huge.
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Thank you for the responses.

Most of these questions require deep reflection, and while I can probably go on and on and hit that character limit, I want to sound cohesive when answering the questions.
Don't put in any fluff. They are humans just like us... No one wants to read a long essay.