Locum tenens company recommendations?

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10+ Year Member
Dec 21, 2009
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I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for locum tenens companies that have worked out well for them or anyone else they may know? Pretty open to any type of practice environment and looking for 2 months or less contracts at a time.

Also, what general considerations should I have when thinking about a locum job? Any standard questions I should be asking or ways for me to get hosed in a contact?

I tried using the search function and did not come across anything that was especially helpful. Thank you for any assistance provided.

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I thought this was an interesting convo about locums. Pay attention to neurochica’s responses. Most people get screwed with agencies as far as I can see. The biggest lesson from this forum is to know your worth and not let agencies or institutions lower that worth. She negotiates her own contracts and doesn’t settle for anything lower than 20k a week.