Locums unlawfully broke contract x 2, advice regarding litigation, finding lawyer

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May 1, 2023
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I had two locums companies canceling assignment despite contract and schedule contract being signed in the past year, providing no explanation as to why it was canceled. Both canceled about a week prior to beginning of shift, and in one case had to obtain a DEA which cost $880. In both cases, there were some red flags about client / locums that prompted me to request cancellation of assignment, but locums applied pressure (including threatening litigation) before they canceled on me after spending hours on credentialing. Each assignment should've brought in approximately $30k.

1. General advice?
2. Lawyer recommendations?

Thank you

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Without knowing the contract hard to say what you should do. I think its easier to find a new job/agency first and get some funds before committing to going after the old agencies. I am assuming your a new grad cause you didnt have DEA so funds are low now. Would focus on keeping lights on then get the legal.
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I had two locums companies canceling assignment despite contract and schedule contract being signed in the past year, providing no explanation as to why it was canceled. Both canceled about a week prior to beginning of shift, and in one case had to obtain a DEA which cost $880. In both cases, there were some red flags about client / locums that prompted me to request cancellation of assignment, but locums applied pressure (including threatening litigation) before they canceled on me after spending hours on credentialing. Each assignment should've brought in approximately $30k.

1. General advice?
2. Lawyer recommendations?

Thank you
Hopefully you got the locums company to pay for that DEA and didn’t let them talk you into paying it yourself and get reimbursed…if not…always have them pay for all the things needed instead of you getting reimbursed
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