Loma Linda

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Jun 25, 2006
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I am interested in applying for the dental anesthesiology residency in LOma Linda university. I have read everything on their website but I would like to hear from anybody that is attending Loma Linda dental school or even better he is a resident there. How is the environment there, is it worth it, are they doing a lot etc

Thanks in advance for all your help and info.

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I am interested in applying for the dental anesthesiology residency in LOma Linda university. I have read everything on their website but I would like to hear from anybody that is attending Loma Linda dental school or even better he is a resident there. How is the environment there, is it worth it, are they doing a lot etc

Thanks in advance for all your help and info.

Irania, I know it’s not an answer to your question, but I would recommend looking into Dr.Yagiela’s program too. I think he is one of the best doctors in the field.
thanks! anybody else???
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The dental anesthesia program at LLU is quite an experience. I've spoken / observed with many of the residents and worked with almost all of the faculty, and they are extremely knowledgable and all the ones I've worked with are extremely cool. If you haven't visited already, you really should come and check out the surgery center (where a lot of your residency will be at).

As far as the town / surrounding areas, its a bit quiet, but you can always find something relatively close. It's ideal for studying.
Thank you soo much for the information... if you don't mind me asking some more questions...as I am kind of confunsed on what exactlry the residents do..

Do they do IV sedations, general anesthesia for the patients of the dental school ?

Do they just do the "anesthesia" part or do they also do the treatment( perio, operative etc)?

Thanks you again
I'm just starting my 4th yr at LLUSD, and can definitely recommend the anesthesia program. As far as what the residents do, I believe they spend a good portion of their time in the surgery center of the dental school, doing IV sed on pediatric and handicapped patients, as well as spending time in the hospital. I do not believe you do any kind of restorative, perio, etc. dental work at all.
Hope that helps!
I am interested in applying for the dental anesthesiology residency in LOma Linda university. I have read everything on their website but I would like to hear from anybody that is attending Loma Linda dental school or even better he is a resident there. How is the environment there, is it worth it, are they doing a lot etc

Thanks in advance for all your help and info.

I graduated from LLU in 2007. I have a good buddy and classmate who is a resident at LLU dental anesthesia. PM me your contact info. and I will relay it to him. Good luck.