LOR from CC or Uni prof. does it matter??

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Apr 7, 2007
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does it matter if you get LOR from CC prof or Uni prof? i transferred from CC to UNI last sem...& i feel like my CC prof know me better than Uni prof...what do you guys think?????

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does it matter if you get LOR from CC prof or Uni prof? i transferred from CC to UNI last sem...& i feel like my CC prof know me better than Uni prof...what do you guys think?????

Go for the university professors, CC profs dont hold as much weight. Even though they can be strong letters. Its all in how the public views a school, Universities are more prestegious than CC's.
I think that you should go for the ones that have the potential to write the best letter, whether that be a CC or UNIV prof.
go for the one that knows you at your best. you can even ask a professor that gave you a D. as long as they write you a good letter that talks about your personality traits. that is the whole point of a LOR. it is to talk about you outside of your school scores because you already have trranscripts and dat scores to explain aobut your education. LOR is for your personality