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2+ Year Member
Mar 3, 2019
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I completed a summer enrichment program at a dental school and received a LOR from the admissions director, on school letterhead and signed. It’s a 2 page letter, includes my grades from the courses I took, my performance in clinical activities, and overall comments at the end of my performance in the program and whether or not I’m recommended to apply to dental school.

It was sent directly to my email after the program ended and I was told I could upload the letter myself to AADSAS. I even contacted my admissions director, who signed the evaluation, to ask about how it should be uploaded. She told me I could do it myself and that she couldn’t because they don’t have access. Plus I have already seen the evaluation.

I’m on the portal, it clearly states that evaluations cannot be uploaded by the applicant, so I am just wondering what should I do.

This letter “highly recommended” me to apply to dental school and would be a great asset to my application so I want to include it, but I’m not sure how to correctly attach it. I already have letters from 2 science university professors and 1 dentist so this is just my extra 4th evaluation of choice.

I emailed AADSAS and they said to use interfolio but wouldn’t that technically be me still uploading the letter? Has anyone been in this situation or has any advice? Please help!!

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Why don't you call the dental school you had the program at and have them upload it to intefolio
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