LOR not on letterhead?

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10+ Year Member
Dec 25, 2009
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So, BU put me on hold because 2 of my 3 LOR are apparently not on official letterhead. I emailed the two professors a week ago, but they haven't even responded. What should I do?

Also, I've completed about 20 secondaries so far and have been marked complete on all of them except BU, can this LOR thing still bite me, can i be unofficially on hold even though everything says complete?

I can just give up on BU if the professors don;t get back to me, but I don't want to come arond November/December and find out that schools have ignored my app due to the LOR

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So, BU put me on hold because 2 of my 3 LOR are apparently not on official letterhead. I emailed the two professors a week ago, but they haven't even responded. What should I do?

Also, I've completed about 20 secondaries so far and have been marked complete on all of them except BU, can this LOR thing still bite me, can i be unofficially on hold even though everything says complete?

I can just give up on BU if the professors don;t get back to me, but I don't want to come arond November/December and find out that schools have ignored my app due to the LOR

Write them again next week.

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