Suggestions on how to shadow write a LOR?

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May 31, 2022
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I asked a non-science professor for a letter of recommendation and they graciously accepted. They asked shadow write details for the LOR, and I didn’t know some instructors did this. What can one typical include? Do I make like a sheet of things I’d like then to mention in the letter? Thank you.

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Have you seen the AAMC guidelines for LORs?

You should have been providing this to those you've been asking to write for you. I suppose you can use the guideline yourself and write as you'd like the writer to write (focus on stuff that person could say about you based on how you've performed in class, what they've observed about you (do you frequently contribute to class discussion, contribute less frequently but always synthesize what others have said bringing clarity to the topic area, etc).
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Have you seen the AAMC guidelines for LORs?

You should have been providing this to those you've been asking to write for you. I suppose you can use the guideline yourself and write as you'd like the writer to write (focus on stuff that person could say about you based on how you've performed in class, what they've observed about you (do you frequently contribute to class discussion, contribute less frequently but always synthesize what others have said bringing clarity to the topic area, etc).
I’m non-traditional application, so I was not aware of this page. I’ve sent it to them. Thanks so much for your help!
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Thanks so much for showing me these wonderful resources!
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