Loyola- call?

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Dec 21, 2007
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I recently sent in an update/interest letter with grades, etc. I missed a call and had a voicemail from the associate dean saying to call the admissions office? How does Loyola tell you about interview invites? By e-mail or phone?

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I recently sent in an update/interest letter with grades, etc. I missed a call and had a voicemail from the associate dean saying to call the admissions office? How does Loyola tell you about interview invites? By e-mail or phone?

They call you to invite you for an interview. :thumbup:
why don't they send an email or snail mail? this school is so anti-technology.
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They're the Jetsons compared to a bunch of other schools. Phones count as technology.
why don't they send an email or snail mail? this school is so anti-technology.

how would snail mail be less anti-technology than a phone call? :confused:

when i interviewed two years ago, i got a phone message and an email. a few others on sdn have also reported that they got an email in the case where they were not available to answer the phone call.

if the call came right after you sent your update letter, there may have been a question about that...
crap, i'm going to hope it's an interview invite, but maybe it is a question about my letter. But it seems extreme that i would get a call after 5 about that rather than an e-mail or something. Fingers crossed...
I recently sent in an update/interest letter with grades, etc. I missed a call and had a voicemail from the associate dean saying to call the admissions office? How does Loyola tell you about interview invites? By e-mail or phone?

Better start looking for deals on plane tickets to Chicago. Congrats. ;)