LSU supplemental

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10+ Year Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Hey Guys,

Just received this email from LSU:

"We recently received your application for admission to the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry. We have reviewed your application and would like you to now begin Part II of our application process.

Attached you will find the instructions for the supplemental application and the supplemental application form."

What do y'all think?

Members don't see this ad.
Hey Guys,

Just received this email from LSU:

"We recently received your application for admission to the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry. We have reviewed your application and would like you to now begin Part II of our application process.

Attached you will find the instructions for the supplemental application and the supplemental application form."

What do y'all think?
same here, just received their supplemental. Im so excited woohooo :)
Members don't see this ad :)
I got one too. Does anyone know what this means as far as getting an interview there?
Has anyone printed the page yet for your "current Draft Status"? I've been looking on but I can't figure out which page we're supposed to print and include.