masking the taste of potassium chloride solution

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May 12, 2006
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I Have a pt who I recommended switch from klor con 20MEQ tablets to potassium chloride 10% oral solution because he was on a few anticholinerigcs (such as detrol) which could slow his GI tract and increase his risk for ulcerations. This interaction is contraindicated per micromedex. The recs per micromedex and lexicomp were to switch pt to a liquid formulation. However pt stated the taste was "horrible" he tried diluting it in water, and juice but everytime he became extremely nauseated. Any thoughts, ideas or experience on masking the taste?

thanks in advance!

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I Have a pt who I recommended switch from klor con 20MEQ tablets to potassium chloride 10% oral solution because he was on a few anticholinerigcs (such as detrol) which could slow his GI tract and increase his risk for ulcerations. This interaction is contraindicated per micromedex. The recs per micromedex and lexicomp were to switch pt to a liquid formulation. However pt stated the taste was "horrible" he tried diluting it in water, and juice but everytime he became extremely nauseated. Any thoughts, ideas or experience on masking the taste?

thanks in advance!

What you should have recommended was he dissolve the 20 meq Klor-Con 4-6 oz of water or juice to avoid the problem. It's the wax matrix tablets that are the real problem. Also note it's the antimuscarinic effects that are the problem as not all receptors mediated by acetylcholine are muscarinic.....
What you should have recommended was he dissolve the 20 meq Klor-Con 4-6 oz of water or juice to avoid the problem. It's the wax matrix tablets that are the real problem. Also note it's the antimuscarinic effects that are the problem as not all receptors mediated by acetylcholine are muscarinic.....

Very true about the dissolution, but they don't break down very quickly. The flavored 20mEq packets seem to work pretty well in the inpatient crowd, but that may be more of a function of them being a captive audience.
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Very true about the dissolution, but they don't break down very quickly. The flavored 20mEq packets seem to work pretty well in the inpatient crowd, but that may be more of a function of them being a captive audience.

Same difference, just less money for the tabs. Either would work. KCL liquid was less than optimum recommendation.
In UK effervescent potassium tabs usually citrus flavoured lemon/lime.
yeah i did a little more research and came upon the idea of dissolving the tablets. Luckily the pt had only received one bottle before we switched him back to the tablets.. well now i know for next time.. im wondering why they make the solution taste so bad... does anyone use it?

thanks guys! love this's invaluable to a new practicioner like myself

Does the kcl salt they give to people in nursing homes for their food taste as bad as kcl tablets?
yeah i did a little more research and came upon the idea of dissolving the tablets. Luckily the pt had only received one bottle before we switched him back to the tablets.. well now i know for next time.. im wondering why they make the solution taste so bad... does anyone use it?

thanks guys! love this's invaluable to a new practicioner like myself


KCL, like NaCL is a salt. If you have never tasted it, it's more bitter. Think concentrated, bitter, orange flavored salty liquid. There is no way to make it taste good.
Yeah, we learned the 1"=1 meq too. And then giggled. A lot.