masters of arts in biomedical sciences thoughts?

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5+ Year Member
May 18, 2019
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hi! not sure if this is the right place to put this question, but has anyone done the masters of arts in biomedical sciences program by midwestern university in Arizona? What are your thoughts on it? how was your experience being in the program? Is it actually guaranteed that after getting a certain GPA, you are guaranteed to get interview? just trying to decide between doing this program, or retaking some of the science pre-req courses at local community college? I'm rlly stuck, so would appreciate some advice! Thanks so much!!

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Moved to Postbac forums. Be aware that Midwestern is one of the most expensive schools. If you can commute and would have a cheap/free living situation with family, that could certainly curb the cost. But formal postbacc + 4 years at Midwestern could cost you north of 500k potentially.