Match Day 2020 Event Cancellations

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This list will be edited as new information is released. Please let me know if there are any changes or corrections.

UPDATED 14 MAR 2020 11:58 AM EST. Added Google spreadsheet with detailed information on how each medical school is handling Match Day, rotations, lectures, etc.

  • ACOM
  • Albert Einstein COM
  • Brown University
  • Central Michigan University COM
  • Chicago Medical School (Rosalind Franklin)
  • Columbia University
  • EVMS
  • Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
  • Hofstra
  • Ichan SOM at Mt. Sinai
  • Indiana University SOM
  • LSU New Orleans
  • Loyola Chicago
  • MCW
  • Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Northeast Ohio Medical University
  • Nova Southeastern University
  • Ohio State University
  • Oklahoma State University COM
  • Oregon Health Sciences University
  • Robert Woods Johnson Medical School
  • Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Rutgers NJMS
  • St. George's University - NY, LA, Chicago events
  • Stony Brook
  • Tufts
  • UA COM Tucson (moved from limited)
  • University of Iowa (Carver)
  • University of Maryland SOM
  • University of Miami
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Texas Galveston
  • University of Texas San Antonio
  • University of Toledo
  • University of Washington
  • UW-Madison
  • Western University
  • William Carey University

Changes/Limited Event (i.e., limited to students only)
  • Baylor University
  • Case Western University
  • Cooper Medical School
  • Drexel University
  • Florida Atlantic University COM
  • George Washington University
  • Harvard University
  • Howard University
  • Jefferson
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • New York Medical College
  • New York University
  • Northwestern University
  • Rowan SOM (students only)
  • Stanford University
  • SUNY Upstate
  • University of California San Diego
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Illinois at Chicago
  • University of North Carolina
  • University of Texas Houston

Here's a Google spreadsheet with information on Match Day and class cancellations (thanks @smak26 !)

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So sorry to any M4s at those schools (and it's ok to be upset)
Im sad.
My graduation and post-graduation travel plans are going to go next. Once in a lifetime trip planned that if cancelled i wont be able to take until after residency because (most, if any program) will allow me two week’s vacation
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Im sad.
My graduation and post-graduation travel plans are going to go next. Once in a lifetime trip planned that if cancelled i wont be able to take until after residency (most, if any program) will allow me two week’s vacation
Hope you can find some other way to celebrate 🙁
Cooper is limited. Theyre still planning to hold it, but no family members/friends/SOs allowed. Students and faculty only
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine is cancelling and will do a "virtual match"
University of Arizona COM - Tucson is now students only.
OK State is still throwing the whole event. Yeeee haw :cow::cow::cow:
St. George’s University has cancelled the NY, FL, and Chicago match day events.
Update: they're also getting chartered flights arranged to fly all the students off the island next week.
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EVMS just announced complete cancellation
NYIT-COM cancelled it and it is virtual now.
curious: how many of your classes are planning student run events anyway?
Our after party was cancelled. Nothing else has been announced but we all know it will be as long as Philly has places to accommodate people.

(i live in the suburbs and much of the county is being locked down and closed up)
Our after party was cancelled. Nothing else has been announced but we all know it will be as long as Philly has places to accommodate people.

(i live in the suburbs and much of the county is being locked down and closed up)

Which is the correct response honesty. You all should be thinking about your parents, grandparents, and literally everyone you interact with and staying away from large gatherings. Our departments have effectively cancelled all didactics, grand rounds, chair conferences, etc. to stretch out the spread. That's the only way we prevent having to make the types of decisions Italian docs are making right now.
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Which is the correct response honesty. You all should be thinking about your parents, grandparents, and literally everyone you interact with and staying away from large gatherings. Our departments have effectively cancelled all didactics, grand rounds, chair conferences, etc. to stretch out the spread. That's the only way we prevent having to make the types of decisions Italian docs are making right now.

Exactly. Closures and cancellations are not really entirely about US, it’s about our elderly family and community as a whole...
Which is the correct response honesty. You all should be thinking about your parents, grandparents, and literally everyone you interact with and staying away from large gatherings. Our departments have effectively cancelled all didactics, grand rounds, chair conferences, etc. to stretch out the spread. That's the only way we prevent having to make the types of decisions Italian docs are making right now.
It’s not as if we arent..
We’re still allowed to be upset by this.
I was never excited about graduation. For me, in these last four years, Match day was going to be the culmination of my med school experience with graduation being more for my family than me. Now, with our Match celebrations effectively cancelled and with graduation on the chopping block, I'm already feeling nostalgic for what could have been. Is that even possible? It's incredibly sad to know that I may never see the rest of my class all together one last time before we all get scattered by the winds. Don't get me wrong, there are several people in my class I do not like and even more I am indifferent about. But that's beside the point. This was to be our last reunion while we were all in the same place at the same time.

To paraphrase @ciestar, we can be worried about Covid19 and also be sad about Match day celebrations being canceled. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Continues to go to clinical rotations daily. Sees pts with essentially every communicable disease, including covid. Goes home to family.
Is told we can’t gather for match day so we don’t expose our family to covid.
Like I get it... but I don’t get it.
Afterthought...since Match day is seemingly cancelled for the whole country, why doesn’t NRMP just freaking tell us on Monday!!??
ACOM just cancelled theirs. Attendance still mandatory for lectures and rotations :whistle:
Continues to go to clinical rotations daily. Sees pts with essentially every communicable disease, including covid. Goes home to family.
Is told we can’t gather for match day so we don’t expose our family to covid.
Like I get it... but I don’t get it.
Afterthought...since Match day is seemingly cancelled for the whole country, why doesn’t NRMP just freaking tell us on Monday!!??
because, they need Monday to Friday to work with unmatched students.
Lots of Match Day events are still happening with students-only in attendance.
Ive seen plenty of posts implying it.

The post you quoted literally was just saying that canceling large gatherings was what needs to happen. That doesn’t imply you shouldn’t be upset. You absolutely should. It’s a huge milestone and I’m sad for you.
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If mine was one of the implying ones, it wasn’t meant to imply. To be clear.

Also just got an email from school, apparently CS is cancelled for the next 3 weeks.
Okay.. wow.
As if CS wasnt already a cluster. That sucks
Not a medical student but my school canceled undergraduate commencement and as a graduating senior I am so sad
Hofstra has also cancelled match day for this year unfortunately.

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We have residents, friends, family, who have all had to cancel trips that in some cases they've been waiting years for. There's nothing wrong with being sad, but having after parties anyway is a problem and should be discouraged.

I've even seen residents planning "Covid parties", which is not only tone deaf but truly runs the risk of putting people in danger.

Be sad, absolutely, you have every right to be. Just don't let that emotion cloud what's in the best interests of you, your families, and your neighbors.