Matching into Integrated Pediatric Surgery vs Traditional Pathway (Non-US)

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Baby Yoda

Medical Intern, MBBS
5+ Year Member
Feb 17, 2017
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
I am a senior medical student (MBBS-6) who is currently doing his final year. I am planning to apply to general pediatric surgery next year. I finished a 3-month rotation at my home institution and working with them currently on multiple projects including research and some clinical educational content (basically extra fluff).

I always wondered about the integrated pathway vs traditional, especially in a model that is only known or exists in Europe and some other countries. Aka a model that north America does not or has not adopted yet.

my questions are:

1- What are the cons/pros of such a pathway in comparison to the traditional pathway?

2- What can I do to match (other than local board scores), to show my eagerness to specifically match pediatric surgery.

I talked to all my local residents (literally all of them lol, count them on my hands) and some PDs and higher-ups and it is all mixed. So I want you guys to shine a light and give me your perspective. I know you mostly talk or have experience with integrated vascular/pastic, but please do and contribute what you can. Any perspective is valuable to me.

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