math is not science according to aacom

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first, aacom delayed all of our online application. mine was not sent until 3 months later.

now i just found out that math is not "science" according to aacom.

should we all start to wonder if D.O. is really a good career choice?!

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Maybe YOU should.
aacom delayed all of our online application for total of 3 months, that is not an excuse.

when the rest of the world considers math as a major science, aacom does not.

that is a total deviant from the norm.

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You didn't know this before you applied with them? I dunno -- I use basic sciences an awful lot more than math, so I'm not surprised that they are more interested in your non-math-inclusive science gpa...

Complain to aacom, if it really screws you over.
young jock I can not believe that you are still up to your idiotic games after I have not been here for two months. If you are going to bitch and whoine like a spoiled little child then you might as well give it up right now because if you finally get into medical school their will be alot of things that you do not like or seems out of the norm.
Originally posted by ryanpj:
If you are going to bitch and whoine like .....

guess you can't even spell. I only talk to intelligent people.

end of discussion.
1. You're not talking to anyone. This is a bulletin board.

2. Unless you learn to use proper capitalization and realize that most words that are plural end in the letter "s," I'd back off on calling the intelligence (or, perhaps, grammar) shots. I get the feeling that you can't see the forest for the trees... if these little roadblocks get you so hostile, I am honestly concerned for you as both a future medical student and my future colleague.

[This message has been edited by Djanaba (edited 10-07-2000).]
Hey, come on people... I am not taking any side here, but I don't see nothing wrong with youn.... statement. Lets stop being so sensitive about everything and start to support each other with good advices and some tolerance. Please, lets forget the past already?...

Dr. FS
Since when was math considered a science anyway? While it does provide the basis for much of science, it in itself isn't considered a science. I don't know how aacoms does it but I know that the amacs aps have a seperate code for math. Anyway that being said I hope you get it straightened out and are successful in your attempt at gaining acceptance to DO school!
i don't see how you as a "do wanna be" can get rich if you can't do math.

math changes everything.
I thought that math was included in your sci gpa??? If not then thats awesome, because this means my Science Gpa goes up significanlty, becuase I bombed calculus.. Can someone tell me if this is true? surely this is a God send...
It will depend on the school. Look through their literature or call and ask. I believe the AMCAS application lumps math in with sciences, but individual schools can, of course, play with their numbers any way they want. There's unfortunately no blanket number, and I haven't seen a list as to who does what in terms of math/sci GPA partitioning.
jcollings makes no sense.

that is what i want to say. re-read your post, you agreed that math is science, then what is your ground to dispute about my credibility?

i just laugh at your sorry ugly face, because you just slaped your own face with your own words which contracted your own self.

we do not have to start another thread, we already figured out who is the "dung" one.

you are therefore defeated.
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