MCAT Registration

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Oct 11, 2004
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Hello SDN MCATers,

So I'm trying to register for the MCAT but when I sign in and click the links to fill out personal information etc, I get a message telling me to sign in. But, I am signed in - otherwise I wouldn't be at the screen I'm at, right? Is this because I'm using the username from the last time I wrote the MCAT? Should I register again using a different username? Does AMCAS think I suck so much that they think I'm not even worthy of the torture that is the MCAT? Is this cosmo's way of telling me not to re-write?

I'm confused. And heavily caffeinated.


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Monette said:
Am I the only one retaking?

I strongly doubt that, but probably no one knows what you need to do (including me). I suggest that you call the AAMC tomorrow and ask for technical support. There should be a number on their webpage. Good luck to you. :)

BTW, did you ever start training to teach MCAT classes? When do you start?
QofQuimica said:
I strongly doubt that, but probably no one knows what you need to do (including me). I suggest that you call the AAMC tomorrow and ask for technical support. There should be a number on their webpage. Good luck to you. :)

BTW, did you ever start training to teach MCAT classes? When do you start?

Hi Q!

So they mailed me the two science packages this Friday - they want me to teach all the sciences (I actually didn't want to teach all four subjects but oh well - hopefully it will force me to study earlier and learn the material more thoroughly if I have to teach it). Also, the application form you told me about was also in the package - I haven't really looked at it but was planning on filling it out tonight... Also it seems that there is no training - last time he contacted me, he scheduled two phone interviews during which I'll have to basically do two of the lectures - which he specified. I thought it was rather strange but I won't complain. Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to PM you some questions about some stuff he said concering what came up in our earlier discussion - I just wasn't sure if you were still somewhat miffed at me from the last thread!

Yeah, I was thinking I'd call up AAMC tomorrow morning - I'm pretty proud of myself that I didn't leave this to the very last microsecond and I actually have time to troubleshoot! ;)

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Monette said:
Hi Q!

So they mailed me the two science packages this Friday - they want me to teach all the sciences (I actually didn't want to teach all four subjects but oh well - hopefully it will force me to study earlier and learn the material more thoroughly if I have to teach it). Also, the application form you told me about was also in the package - I haven't really looked at it but was planning on filling it out tonight... Also it seems that there is no training - last time he contacted me, he scheduled two phone interviews during which I'll have to basically do two of the lectures - which he specified. I thought it was rather strange but I won't complain. Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to PM you some questions about some stuff he said concering what came up in our earlier discussion - I just wasn't sure if you were still somewhat miffed at me from the last thread!

Yeah, I was thinking I'd call up AAMC tomorrow morning - I'm pretty proud of myself that I didn't leave this to the very last microsecond and I actually have time to troubleshoot! ;)

You don't have any live training but you have two phone teachbacks??? That's very strange. At my center, we do six training sessions (more if the new instructor isn't quite ready), and there is a whole curriculum we follow each week along with the trainees doing teachbacks. This is not just local procedure, b/c they have all of the teacher training TELs on Kapnet and it even comes with videos to watch each week. :confused: I don't know what to tell you there. Maybe your manager just doesn't have a local teacher trainer.

Anyway, if you want to PM questions, feel free. No hard feelings; I know that sometimes things sound harsher than they really are intended on the internet. :)

For any retakers out there, I just wanted to let you guys know that I contacted MCAT and they said that you have to register using a NEW username each time you write the MCAT. :luck:

Monette said:

For any retakers out there, I just wanted to let you guys know that I contacted MCAT and they said that you have to register using a NEW username each time you write the MCAT. :luck:


I was going to post the same thing.

You have to register all over again for a re-take.

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