MCPHS additional info on app...

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Oct 10, 2006
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First I would like to say hi, i am new here. I am currently attending a community college for my pre-req's. Anyway, on the pharm app for MCPHS there is a part that asks if there is anything else you feel that would be helpful for the admissions commitee to know. I have had some extenuating circumstances in my backround. I was wondering how in detail would you get? How long is too long, or how much detail is too much detail. I was typing away this weekend and it came to 3 pages. Please help!

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if you notice, the space provided is very tiny compared to the essay portion. The essay portion is 500 words limit and the space for your question is about 1/10 the size of the essay so do the math.

just my $.02🙂
actually if you look at the application it says you can attach addition paper if needed.
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I would narrow it down to a page max- its a common length for essays
Thanks, i didn't want to get too crazy with it, but definately want them to know a few things.