mcphs- worcester

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Mar 9, 2005
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hi everyone! this is my first time posting and i have a quickie for you all. i have been selected for an interview at mass college of pharmacy- worcester (mcphs) and was wondering if anyone has had an interview there, been accepted, etc... i am trying to get prepared and would appreciate any feedback on this subject! thanks!

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Hey keila, when's your interview?

I'm flying in this saturday and interviewing on Monday, the 21st!

From that frozen hell, I fly to chicago afterwards. =)

Hope to see you there!
hi!! i'm not interviewing there until april 15. i don't know about you, but i'm pretty excited!! i'm from florida- if i can swing it, i may try to do some spring skiing while i'm there (if the bad weather sticks around)!! good luck to you!!!!!! The most important tip i've received is to just be yourself!! maybe i'll see ya in the fall!
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Hi Kellia. I am currently a P1 at mcphs-worcester. If you have any specific questions regarding the interview, PM me. Good luck with your interview.
you guys are so cute..That's nice! helping each other out hihihihi
kiki642 said:
Hi Kellia. I am currently a P1 at mcphs-worcester. If you have any specific questions regarding the interview, PM me. Good luck with your interview.

Hey Kiki,

How do you like it there? (I know, broad question)

How do you handle taxachusettes without a job?

How are housing prices (I plan to buy when I start school)

Thanks =)
I just got an invitation for an interview today :) Will call *after* my biochem final tomorrow to set up a date. Gosh, my credit card company *LOVES* me lately
CSzGirl said:
I just got an invitation for an interview today :) Will call *after* my biochem final tomorrow to set up a date. Gosh, my credit card company *LOVES* me lately

Congrats! =)
nikkai said:
Congrats! =)

Alright, as promised I'll be posting a review on the interview.

I feel kinda bad that I've been lurking and not posting my feedback on my previous 2 (HI and MD).

I'll get to those, though MD wasn't too pleasent at first.

Anyways, on to MCPHS: Worcester

Refer to feedback forum. If not here's the reader's digest:

Great. Short.
I just got back from a trip to Boston and I looked at MCPHS while I was there. the school was very nice and so were the people. also if your in the area you should go check out MIT its just a cool place to walk around
hi nikkai,
i just want to know if you heard anything back from hi? how'd the interview go? can you pm back please. thanks.

nikkai said:
Alright, as promised I'll be posting a review on the interview.

I feel kinda bad that I've been lurking and not posting my feedback on my previous 2 (HI and MD).

I'll get to those, though MD wasn't too pleasent at first.

Anyways, on to MCPHS: Worcester

Refer to feedback forum. If not here's the reader's digest:

Great. Short.
Well, just got my acceptance packet from MCPHS Worcester. :D

Still gonna wait on UIC and UT-A before making the final say. =)
Congratulations!!! I have been preparing for my upcoming interview at worcester on tax day!! i am sooooo nervous! this is my first interview invite, and there are so many things to do before then! they got back to you very quickly!!! interview mon, acceptance thurs!!! wow! i am curious, though. i haven't heard from anyone who has had an interview there and was not accepted. anyone out there care to share your experiences??
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I'm thinking that with MCPHS they've basically made their decision when they invite someone for an interview... They probably just want to make sure you can communicate well in person.
Is it really true that if you get an interview you are pretty much accepted?

I really want to go there...I have an interview on 31st MAR...

and Kellia how do you know no one got rejected once they had an interview...?

Please share some info with me please... :(

I haven't met anyone who applied to MCPHS-WOR... the way I am attending Univ. of Minnesota.

AND LASTLY would you (anyone) please give me some advice about the

interview... This is my first Interview...Thank You so much!
enyceny84 said:
Is it really true that if you get an interview you are pretty much accepted?

I really want to go there...I have an interview on 31st MAR...

and Kellia how do you know no one got rejected once they had an interview...?

Please share some info with me please... :(

I haven't met anyone who applied to MCPHS-WOR... the way I am attending Univ. of Minnesota.

AND LASTLY would you (anyone) please give me some advice about the

interview... This is my first Interview...Thank You so much!

I did not say that no one got rejected after they were invited for an interview, I just haven't heard anyone say otherwise. I'd certainly like to think that is the case, it would take a huge weight off my shoulders! Check the interview feedback page for more info on the interview and students reactions to the school. I believe one person said that they got the feeling that the interview was just a way to make sure that they were "normal", and many people have said that they received their acceptance letters just a few days after their interview. my first interview too! i've been reading up on the school, going over possible interview questions, and crossing my fingers! good luck to you, let me know how it goes!!!
Hello. I am having my interview on the 7th of April at MCPHS. Does anyone have any tips for me and what the essay is about? And does anyone know how many people the college invited for an interview and how many people will actually get accepted in total. I feel that since I am being interviewed soo late, I may have less of a chance to get in. In addition, I also heard that the college is not counting PCATS this year from someone who has been interviewed already. Is this true? :confused:
hi victoriarx, not sure about the pcats or school stats... i do not think that the essay portion is counted in your app. others who have interviewed there said it was just for your file after you're accepted. did your friend get accepted there?? my interview is a week after yours, let me know how it goes!
Dunno if they "counted it" but in my packet, it shows the file they evaluated me with and on the bottom is my PCAT score.

I wouldn't worry about late interviews. They're rolling so it's just a queue thing. =) Relax, the interview isn't difficult at all. Essay doesn't play a role in it (although, my interviewer DID read the essay right in front of me =P ).
Yes, it is true they are not counting PCAT's this year. I have atrocious :thumbdown: grades on the PCAT and was accepted. The interviewer told me they will begin looking at them in the fall and I wouldn't have been accepted. :laugh:
It's kind of a nice time to have PCATs because though they won't directly hurt you, they can indirectly help you. =)

If they see you're walking around with a 90+%, it only works in your favor even if they don't count it officially (ie: it doesn't figure into their point system - if they have one at all)
Wow. Thank you so much for all this information. It really is alot of weight off my shoulders. Hopefully, I will get in. I will tell you guys if I get in. Thanx so much :)
VictoriaRx said:
I feel that since I am being interviewed soo late, I may have less of a chance to get in.

I actually don't think you have a late interview at all. Someone in the office told me that they are interviewing into the summer and that they've accepted people as late as August. Good luck on your interview tho...I've got mine on the 23rd of this month!
Hey you guys I just wanted to tell you that I'm still waiting for their reply. It feels like forever. Its been the 4th day and no reply. I probably got rejected because some people get replys on the 3rd day :(
Just to let everyone interested know, I sent my rejection letter to MCPHS Worcester, so a spot opened up. =)
VictoriaRx said:
Hey you guys I just wanted to tell you that I'm still waiting for their reply. It feels like forever. Its been the 4th day and no reply. I probably got rejected because some people get replys on the 3rd day :(

Just be patient. I interviewed on a Tuesday and got my acceptance the following Monday, so that was more than 4 days!
nikkai said:
Just to let everyone interested know, I sent my rejection letter to MCPHS Worcester, so a spot opened up. =)
Good luck at UIC!!! Thank you again for all of your help!!!
I have interview in early May. Please, any advice or info about interview would be appreciated. Wonder what acceptance rate is if you make it to interview???
Thanks Keila, rock that interview on Friday.

And get lunch at the sandwich shop down the street.... I forgot what's it's called, but the security guard should know.

Get the Lobster Bisque...mmmmmmmm.... =)

Free bread to dip too!


Maybe I shoulda chosen Worcester....mmmm... =D
thanks nikkai!!

hey all of you mcphs worcester interviewees, where the heck did you park???
Worcester commons - an old mall - can't really miss it
kellia said:
thanks nikkai!!

hey all of you mcphs worcester interviewees, where the heck did you park???

I walked from the train station.
DrugDealer said:
I walked from the train station.

How far is the train station from the school? I'm actually staying with my friend who goes to BU cuz my interview is in the afternoon (so i have plenty of time to get there) but I have no clue yet how i'm getting there yet. Anyone have any suggestions? Is the train the best bet?
SoCalGirl83 said:
How far is the train station from the school? I'm actually staying with my friend who goes to BU cuz my interview is in the afternoon (so i have plenty of time to get there) but I have no clue yet how i'm getting there yet. Anyone have any suggestions? Is the train the best bet?

I personally think the train is the best bet. The school is 2-3 blocks away from the station, it's super close. You can catch it in Boston at Back Bay or South Station, both served by the T.
I have a question. people that got in to MCPHS, how long did you wait to get the notice becuase its been a week and 1 day for me and still no reply. They said 1-3 weeks. Does this mean that I wont be accepted? My PCATS were really bad but I heard that they are not looking at them, but maybe they really are?
Interviewed on a Monday

Got the packet in the mail on Thursday of the same week.

But for me, it may have been less busy, since I interviewed during Spring Break. =)
hi everyone! just wanted you all to know that my interview was fabulous! it went better than i ever imagined it would!! what a great group of people!! anyway, now the wait really begins!! i'm pretty sure i know the outcome!!!!!! yay!!!
thanks everyone for letting me whine and worry the last month!!!
Hey so which is better to attend? Worcester or Boston? And does anyone know if either one of they have a co-op program?
There's no "better" in this situation:

Boston - has dual degree option, in Boston so more of a city life, four years, so you have summers, expensive real estate, one year longer

Worcester - 3 year accellerated, no dual degree option, no summers, much more rural, but still in a college town, cheaper real estate, one year shorter.

Depends on what you're looking for.
Thank you so much! That helps a lot! Acutally, I applied to both now knowing you can only apply to one and Worcester reviewed my application first so Boston refunded my money back.
nikkai said:
There's no "better" in this situation:

Boston - has dual degree option, in Boston so more of a city life, four years, so you have summers, expensive real estate, one year longer

Worcester - 3 year accellerated, no dual degree option, no summers, much more rural, but still in a college town, cheaper real estate, one year shorter.

Depends on what you're looking for.

WHat are the dual degree options at Boston?
hi. i just had my interview at MCPHS-worcester (4/20), i think the interview went well - but i'm so anxious! my interviewer told me that they had close to 1000 apps this year and gave interviews to a little more than 200 people - and will select 150 for the class. she says as of 4/20 they filled about 80 seats! for those of you already accepted, did you guys just wait patiently, called the school for status, etc??? any suggestions as how to break the anxiety attack i'm going through??? thank you! :scared:
The admissions committee meets on thursdays, I got my accpetance in the mail the monday after and I live half way across the country. You should be patient, but no one seems to wait very long to hear from them. Good luck.
kiki642 said:
Hi Kellia. I am currently a P1 at mcphs-worcester. If you have any specific questions regarding the interview, PM me. Good luck with your interview.

Based on your experience, if I complete my pre-reqs at a community college w/3.7 GPA, what are my chances of gettin in? Does the majority of the people there have bachelors degree? Do you think its easy to get accepted? Thanks lots
Anyone still interviewing? Just wondering... :luck:
I was wondering if anyone knows were I could buy the text books for this fall? I looked at the book store that the main website provides but the course numbers for Worcester on the online book store were not listed. They were only listed for Boston. I also looked at the college catalog and the college catalog said that the Worcester campus has its own book store and the website is However, when I went to that website there was no selection for textbooks. In addition, I was wondering if anyone got their schedules for this fall or know when they are going to be sent to us? So far I only got the lab coat form and the bill. Lol! :)
Where is everyone going to live in Worcester? I really don't want to live in the dorms. I would also appreciate any tips from current students on what apartment complexes/ areas to avoid.
i have the same question about housing at mcphs worcester. i jus recently received the housing info from the school bout the new "living and learning" center but unfortunatly they are not an option for me. i'm bringing my lil jack russell terrier with me from seattle so i need to find a pet-friendly building which so far has been quite challenging. check out and craiglist is pretty good too
Hello MCPHS Worcester Class of 2008!

Hope you all are having a great summer and are getting ready for our first semester at MCPHS Worcester, yay!!! Anyway, the bookstore for the school sent me a list of required and recommended books for our first term along with an order form. Just thought you might want to see this stuff now to avoid the lines at the bookstore later!!

See you all soon!!!!


  • Fall 2005 MCPHS Order form.doc
    42 KB · Views: 209
  • Mass College 2005 books.doc
    44 KB · Views: 201

Finally I just got to worcester...I have a quick question for everyone...

Did you get your textbooks? If you did how did you get them? and how long does it take to get the books? I mean do they carry books in store?

Please reply...ASAP. Thank you.