MD/PhD Reapplication if Previously Accepted at Other Program(s)

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Dec 10, 2021
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Hi everyone,

I have been accepted at one MD/PhD program so far, and I am waiting for (admission and interview invitation) decisions at others. I think I will withdraw admission at my accepted program because of the location. Since applying, I have realized that I want to be in/near NYC for the next 8+ years and start my life with my s/o (who will be living there). It seems pretty likely that I will not be accepted at an MD/PhD program in/near NYC this application cycle, however. So...

If I reject acceptances this cycle to reapply for (better) MD/PhD programs in/near NYC next cycle, will this look bad? Specifically, will my withdrawals make programs doubt my dedication to academic medicine?

And is location a reasonable explanation for my withdrawals (when asked about it in the next cycle in supplementary apps or interviews)? I feel like it may not sound like a good excuse from adcom perspectives, but location plays a big role in my decision because of the long duration of MD/PhD programs.

Thank you!

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Hi everyone,

I have been accepted at one MD/PhD program so far, and I am waiting for (admission and interview invitation) decisions at others. I think I will withdraw admission at my accepted program because of the location. Since applying, I have realized that I want to be in/near NYC for the next 8+ years and start my life with my s/o (who will be living there). It seems pretty likely that I will not be accepted at an MD/PhD program in/near NYC this application cycle, however. So...

If I reject acceptances this cycle to reapply for (better) MD/PhD programs in/near NYC next cycle, will this look bad? Specifically, will my withdrawals make programs doubt my dedication to academic medicine?

And is location a reasonable explanation for my withdrawals (when asked about it in the next cycle in supplementary apps or interviews)? I feel like it may not sound like a good excuse from adcom perspectives, but location plays a big role in my decision because of the long duration of MD/PhD programs.

Thank you!
You will regret this decision. If rejected this round from NYC programs, you are unlikely to be successful the next one and give up a real offer in the process.
From what I’ve seen in my experience of SDN forums talking about withdrawing an acceptance, it won’t be a good look in any way you try to explain. If you didn’t like the location, why apply there? Why continue the secondaries? Why interview there? And why not withdraw your application after the interview? If you really didn’t like the location, why go through the whole process? There are extreme cases where it can work, but i presume those are extremely rare to end up working out. I forgot what AMCAS asks about past acceptances in previous cycles.

Also, don’t let a s/o dictate your future. If you guys are really meant to be, you’ll make it work. LDR is hard, but it’s not impossible. I know several MD/PhD candidates going LDR, and I myself is currently in LDR for the past two years and will be LDR with my s/o for a few years before I pop the question.

And as an applicant who just got accepted to an MSTP, I would be so grateful just be accepted to a program that wants me this early and would be glad to go there.

But that’s my perspective. I’ll let the more experienced peeps talk about this.
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You will regret this decision. If rejected this round from NYC programs, you are unlikely to be successful the next one and give up a real offer in the process.
Thanks for your feedback!
I don't have publications yet but expect to have them soon (but probably too late for this cycle). If I do choose to reapply, I would try to get a job as a research assistant/technician at one of the NYC schools.

Do you think publications and research experience at the school will significantly boost my chances? If the school is on the fence about me now

I agree with you; It's a gamble. One I may or may not take, and one I could regret...
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From what I’ve seen in my experience of SDN forums talking about withdrawing an acceptance, it won’t be a good look in any way you try to explain. If you didn’t like the location, why apply there? Why continue the secondaries? Why interview there? And why not withdraw your application after the interview? If you really didn’t like the location, why go through the whole process? There are extreme cases where it can work, but i presume those are extremely rare to end up working out. I forgot what AMCAS asks about past acceptances in previous cycles.

Also, don’t let a s/o dictate your future. If you guys are really meant to be, you’ll make it work. LDR is hard, but it’s not impossible. I know several MD/PhD candidates going LDR, and I myself is currently in LDR for the past two years and will be LDR with my s/o for a few years before I pop the question.

And as an applicant who just got accepted to an MSTP, I would be so grateful just be accepted to a program that wants me this early and would be glad to go there.

But that’s my perspective. I’ll let the more experienced peeps talk about this.
Thanks for your perspective!
As to why: because I wasn't sure where my s/o was going to end up and because I still may take the offer (or any other future offer outside of NYC)! Just weighing all my options - I don't know all my options yet but it may include reapplying. Just considering it.
I don't want my s/o to dictate my future but we've been doing LDR for the past two years and I'm just hoping to be together for these next years... may not be possible
Could you matriculate MD only at an NYC school and attempt transfer to MSTP within program as a second year?
That's an interesting option if am accepted MD only at an NYC school! Do you think I would have a bigger chance transferring to MSTP as a second year than I would reapplying (after a year as a research assistant at the school)? Thanks
That's an interesting option if am accepted MD only at an NYC school! Do you think I would have a bigger chance transferring to MSTP as a second year than I would reapplying (after a year as a research assistant at the school)? Thanks
Probably yes, because unfortunately the turning down of a prior acceptance is generally considered a red flag and may adversely affect your chances the following cycle, regardless of the strength of your reasoning. Program entry as an M2 is by no means guaranteed but if you generally were a sufficiently competitive candidate to receive MSTP acceptances this cycle it is probably attainable. If you receive multiple acceptances to NYC area MD-only programs I would contact the MSTP directors at those schools and ask them about the likelihood of being able to transfer in as an M2.

If you are still waiting on MD-only programs in NYC I would also contact the admissions committees at those programs now and let them know you remain interested in an MD spot even without MSTP.
Probably yes, because unfortunately the turning down of a prior acceptance is generally considered a red flag and may adversely affect your chances the following cycle, regardless of the strength of your reasoning. Program entry as an M2 is by no means guaranteed but if you generally were a sufficiently competitive candidate to receive MSTP acceptances this cycle it is probably attainable. If you receive multiple acceptances to NYC area MD-only programs I would contact the MSTP directors at those schools and ask them about the likelihood of being able to transfer in as an M2.

If you are still waiting on MD-only programs in NYC I would also contact the admissions committees at those programs now and let them know you remain interested in an MD spot even without MSTP.
Great, thank you for the insight! Very helpful