MD/PhD WAMC + School List Advice

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Mar 21, 2019
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Your stats are stellar and your research good, so there's that out of the way. That being said:
  • Your hospital volunteering is absolutely bare-bones. For top schools, 200 hours is table stakes.
  • Your nonclinical volunteering also seems weak: do you have 200 hours or more?
Beef these things up. You might consider a gap year. Also your list is very top heavy: add your state schools.

Good luck!
For MD/PhD, I think your clinical experience should be enough. Solid research! To my understanding, this is about average for MD/PhD matriculants. Given your stellar stats I want to say that your school list is solid too. Maybe could do with a couple mid tier programs that have good PhD programs in your field of interest.
Take everything I say with a grain of salt, i'm also applying this cycle.