Med students with ADHD?

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Be careful with childhool ADHD diag's. Lots of high energy, very intelligent kids don't pay attention in school because they are board. This was me. Many parents these days are lazy and willing to put kids on dope to get some piece and quite. We're learning that the true diagnosis of ADHD is quite complex. Your expirience with ADHD meds could have been purely anecdotal. A lot of non-ADHD students abuse these drugs around test time. They allow you to focus, and often not sleep. Get a real look from a real shrink. You may find that your parents did you a big favor b keeping off the drugs. Luckily, I'm over 30 and ADHD wasn't a big thing when I was in school. I'm sure they would have put me on something.......

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I'm not 100% sure what to say here. I was diagnosed w/ ADD at about the age of 8. Then, I was over-medicated until I was 17. I always did very well in school w/ or w/o Ritalyn (or w/ whatever the newest med. I was being given). Recently I have been rediagnosed with something that has a much nastier stigma... but on a happy note, I just got into Penn State and Robert Wood. Still waiting to hear from 4 other schools I interviewed at. I guess what I am saying is that despite a LD (learning disability) or psych. disorder diagnosis you can actually get into med. school. And, according to those I interviewed with, I will make a great doctor. :) (I am not trying to sound pretentious.) Struggle and challenge are things that add character. So long as whatever your disorder is doesn't interfere with your ability to function academically and socially (with appropriate interventions--ie medication or tutoring)--the world is your oyster.