Medical license section of ERAS

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7+ Year Member
Apr 25, 2015
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I have an active registered nurse license (in the US). My Designated Dean's Office (at a US allopathic school) told me that my license (including state, number, expiration) should go in the section labeled "State Medical Licenses." The woman who does our ERAS training insists that any professional license (nursing, pharmacy, EMT, etc.) should be listed in this section because, she says, they are medical licenses. I disagree. I believe the medical license section should only be used for actual medical doctor licenses. I contacted ERAS with this question, and they directed me to my Designated Dean's Office.

Does anyone have an opinion/advice? Thank you!!

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I have an active registered nurse license (in the US). My Designated Dean's Office (at a US allopathic school) told me that my license (including state, number, expiration) should go in the section labeled "State Medical Licenses." The woman who does our ERAS training insists that any professional license (nursing, pharmacy, EMT, etc.) should be listed in this section because, she says, they are medical licenses. I disagree. I believe the medical license section should only be used for actual medical doctor licenses. I contacted ERAS with this question, and they directed me to my Designated Dean's Office.

Does anyone have an opinion/advice? Thank you!!

I don't think anybody really care. I would just list medical licenses, but I think either way is fine.
Good morning!

I found this thread in searching for an answer to my query...
I was an RN before medical school but my license expired during medical school and I never renewed it because I knew I would no longer be using it. Should I still list it on ERAS so I can indicate it was never suspended/terminated/etc (it expired in good standing!) or does it not matter because it expired anyway?

Thank you so much.