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Medicine Goal

MedicineGoal Consulting
5+ Year Member
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Dear Pre-Medical Students,

MedicineGoal is an Ivy League AMCAS application editing and consulting service that can get you into your dream Medical School. Not only do we take pride in our work, our customers can attest to the high level of quality and satisfaction they receive from using our services. In fact, we Guarantee an Interview or Your Money Back! That is how confident we are in our service 🙂

We are a team of highly successful Harvard and Boston dental/medical students who have interviewed all across North America and have been accepted into top Medical Schools. Throughout the years, we have seen many of our friends' Medical School AMCAS applications that were poorly written. These are the same individuals who are capable of getting into the medical school of their choice but could not, since they were unable to write an amazing AMCAS application. Over the years, we have reviewed the AMCAS applications of our friends and have helped guide them to transform every aspect of their application into something unique and special. Thus, we created MedicineGoal!

At MedicineGoal, our sole goal is to help you get into medical school. As a group of highly successful medical students that have gone through the application cycle recently, we know exactly how to take your medical school application to the next level. We not only look for flaws and critical mistakes in your application but are also here to carefully read your entire application and guide you on the right path to creating something amazing. We firmly believe we can help you succeed and optimize your chances of getting into the medical school you are aiming for. Sign-up with us today to create an application that will leave a lasting impression on admissions committees.

Check us out at

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