Mentoring Work and Activities Contact

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Full Member
Mar 22, 2024
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Hi guys! - This might be a silly question, but I have multiple mentoring relationships with underclassmen that I plan on adding to my application. None of the organizations record hours, and I was on the executive board for one of them. Should I put myself as a contact or a mentee? Thanks!

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Hi guys! - This might be a silly question, but I have multiple mentoring relationships with underclassmen that I plan on adding to my application. None of the organizations record hours, and I was on the executive board for one of them. Should I put myself as a contact or a mentee? Thanks!
Consider using another Executive Board member, but the other options you list would work, too.
You can put the contact information of someone else who can verify your hours or list yourself and explain why there is no available contact to verify the activity in your description (this is the explanation from AMCAS).