MFT Interview

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2+ Year Member
Oct 18, 2021
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Hey everyone!
So.. My girlfriend had her interview with Texas Tech University's Marriage and Family Therapy Master's program on Friday, and it seems the group interview might not have gone that well. Some stronger personalities really dominated the social scene and took up much of the air time: her shy personality didn't really get to shine out, even though the rest of her app was pretty decent.
I wanted to ask if anyone with any experience in MFT master's programs know when they report acceptances or waitlist notifications. Have heard conflicting things, from a few days to a week, wondering if we're already dealing with a waitlist. It's now Tuesday and we haven't quite heard anything yet sadly.. Thank you so much to everyone for your time and expertise 🙂

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Fyi, dominating a group interview and taking up all the air time are not assets in a group interview.

Often faculty meet right after interview day, or early the next week, so interviews are still fresh in their mind. But it can vary if faculty are hard to pin down.
Agreed that it's generally best to not be the loudest voice or the quietest voice in a group interview. If one was able to demonstrate a couple of instances of engaging thoughtfully with either the questions but especially with other applicants, that should be enough to be rated well.

There is no consensus on how quickly any program will make offers. Additionally, some programs hold multiple interview days spread across a week or two. Unless the program specifically said when they plan to send out offers and your GF has passed that date significantly, it's best to take a wait and see approach. Good luck!