MHA MHA with Communications undergrad

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5+ Year Member
Sep 27, 2016
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Hi SDN! First time poster here.

I'll be graduating from university this December with a degree in Communications, and I have been very much interested in pursuing an MHA for the last several years. I've kept it in the back of mind while pursuing my undergrad, and now that I'll finally be graduated this year I am really starting to think quite seriously about pursuing an MHA.

I've familiarized myself with certain aspects of what is needed to get into a program, e.g. CAHME accreditation, GPA, pre-requisites, GRE, practical experience, etc. but I thought I'd reach out to this forum before I delve into the preparations for this kind of endeavor.

With that said, here's where I stand academically and experience-wise:

GPA: I will graduate with a 3.6 cumulative

Degree: BA in Communications and Media Studies from Arizona State University.

GRE/GMAT: Obviously have not taken either. I think I will plan on taking just the GRE for now as most programs accept that and my math skills are probably not strong enough to score well on the GMAT. In fact, I'm pretty nervous to even take the GRE as I struggle mightily with math-related concepts.

Prerequisite courses: Several programs I've looked at require classes in finance, economics, statistics, and accounting. Since my undergrad degree is in Comms, I have not taken any classes of that nature. Some programs don't require pre-reqs either though, so I guess this depends largely on the school.

Experience: The only actual healthcare experience I have is working the front desk at a clinic at a hospital for 6 months, then moving on to a different hospital working as a patient accounts rep for 1.5 years. Working on a more business-related aspect of healthcare in my last role is actually what sparked my interest in MHA. I did really well there and ever since I've always thought a lot about going after the MHA degree. For the past 2 years, I've worked as a PR and Marketing account executive in NYC.

So with all that said, I'm thinking that my strong(er) points will be my decent GPA, real-world business experience in PR and Marketing, a bit of healthcare experience, and a strong desire to work in healthcare administration.

I would greatly appreciate any insight or feedback anyone has for me and what you think my chances would be to get into an MHA program, or what I need to do now to give myself the best chance of getting into a program.

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