Mid 20's MCAT score

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Originally posted by Cerberus
Don't let that mid 20's MCAT score go to your head:laugh: :laugh:

I'm just curious as to who scored in the mid-20's (26,27)on the MCAT. Apparently, some people on SDN have a problem with that.

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closing. keep your arguing to the one thread in the lounge, or take it to PMs. no need to clog other forums with senseless bickering.
Originally posted by pathdr2b
I'm just curious as to who scored in the mid-20's (26,27)on the MCAT. Apparently, some people on SDN have a problem with that.

First - I would encourage anyone reading this to first visit This thread

Second - I dont have a problem with people scoring in the mid 20's on the MCATs, I have a problem with people repeatedly acting like a child and telling other forum members how much more intelligent they are when in fact they have nothing to back it up with.
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