I'm going to add additional information I have about some of these schools just so others are learn and have a quick reference as well! Prices are based on Wisconsin residency, many are averaged or rounded up.
University of Minnesota (Minneapolis OR Rochester, MN):
CREDITS: 78 credits; averages 16 credits per semester
PRICE: $42,000-50,000 per year
LAYOUT: Fall I, Spring I, Summer I, Fall II, Spring II
DECISIONS: typically around March
OTHER: Hybrid Program and has two campuses
St. Kate's / St. Catherine (St. Paul, MN):
CREDITS: 71 credits
PRICE: $74,000 program total
LAYOUT: Fall I, Spring I, Fall II, Spring II, Summer II, Fall II
DEADLINE: December
DECISIONS: typically around March
OTHER: older building, classrooms renovated over an old pool... strange set up; quite a few international opportunities; no GRE required
St. Scholastica (Duluth, MN):
CREDITS: 79 credits
PRICE: $64,000 program total
LAYOUT: Fall I, Spring I, Summer I, Fall II, Spring II, Summer II, Fall III
DEADLINE: November
DECISIONS: typically around February
OTHER: priority review of those with undergraduate degrees from St. Scholastica
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse (La Crosse, WI):
CREDITS: 88 credits
PRICE: $65,000 program total
LAYOUT: Summer I, Fall I, Spring I, Summer II, Fall II, Winter II, Spring II, Summer II, Fall III
DECISIONS: typically end of February
OTHER: NOT on OTCAS; typically accepts majority of applicants from its undergraduate program, therefore competitive; no observation hours required
University of Wisconsin - Madison (Madison, WI):
CREDITS: 61 credits (doesn't include electives)
PRICE: $30,000-60,000 depends on other credits selected and semester offered
LAYOUT: Summer I, Fall I, Spring I, Fall II, Spring II, Summer II, Fall III (also depends on electives selected)
DEADLINE: November
DECISIONS: typically in January
OTHER: many funding options available - from teaching, research, etc.; selects more instate students (ex. class size of 26, accepts 18 instate); 2-5% acceptance rate; doesn't interview.
University of South Dakota (Vermillion, SD):
CREDITS: 114 credits
PRICE: $110,000 (out-of-state) / $80,000 (MN reciprocity) / $54,000 (SD residency)
LAYOUT: Fall I, Spring I, Summer I, Fall II, Spring II, Summer II, Fall III, Spring III
DEADLINE(S): Early October / Regular January
DECISIONS: Early Applications - end of Novemeber
OTHER: Doctorate Program; has option of early applying (WORTH IT if you qualify); new facilities, block schedule, on-site aquatic therapy, cheap living expenses; has a fellowship; group interviews; about a 23% acceptance rate
Ohio State University (Columbus, OH):
PRICE: $140,000
LAYOUT: summer start
OTHER: Doctorate Program; has fellowships; interviews.
Carroll University (Waukesha, WI):
PRICE: $63,000
LAYOUT: summer start
DEADLINE: December
OTHER: newer program
Huntington University (Huntington, IN):
PRICE: $100,000
DEADLINE: February
OTHER: Doctorate Program; interviews.
University of Mary (Bismark, ND; Billings, MT; Fargo, ND):
CREDITS: 117 total
PRICE: $9,460 per trimester. ~ $90,000 total.
LAYOUT: Summer I, Fall I, Spring I, Summer II, Fall II, Spring II, Fall III, Spring III
DEADLINE: December
OTHER: newly accredited Doctorate Program; 38 students accepted at Bismark, 12 at Fargo, and 16 Billings.
Allen College (Waterloo, IA):
CREDITS: 80 credits
PRICE: $60-80,000 program total
LAYOUT: Fall I, Spring I, Summer II, Fall II, Spring II, Summer II, Fall III
OTHER: newly accredited masters program; interviews.