Modesto can’t be that bad

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Considering his recovery, he himself is a badass.
Ya. We took care of him here.
Truly humble and gracious guy.
Big proponent of the Reno and Tahoe community.

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I guess the tower finally fell….

Ha… I thought this was a bigger hospital. 160 employees doesn’t sound very big, but good for CMS for closing it down if patients were indeed having independent CRNA related complications. Glad the big bucks didn’t draw in anesthesiologists to that system.
Ha… I thought this was a bigger hospital. 160 employees doesn’t sound very big, but good for CMS for closing it down if patients were indeed having independent CRNA related complications. Glad the big bucks didn’t draw in anesthesiologists to that system.
It's essentially a large ASC.
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Ha… I thought this was a bigger hospital. 160 employees doesn’t sound very big, but good for CMS for closing it down if patients were indeed having independent CRNA related complications. Glad the big bucks didn’t draw in anesthesiologists to that system.
Wait I thought it was doctors Modesto?