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Mar 21, 2006
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Did anyone get a phone call from michigan state chm? The adcom meets tonight and then again the 11th and 25th. I am an alternate :( but I was just curious whether or not anyone was having any luck. I think there are only two or three more interview days so hopefull all the alternates will start hearing some good news soon!! :scared: Good luck to all the applicants!!! :luck:

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Toasty said:
Did anyone get a phone call from michigan state chm? The adcom meets tonight and then again the 11th and 25th. I am an alternate :( but I was just curious whether or not anyone was having any luck. I think there are only two or three more interview days so hopefull all the alternates will start hearing some good news soon!! :scared: Good luck to all the applicants!!! :luck:

Hi, just to let you know that I will probably be withdrawing from MSU CHM. So there sould be some alternate movement. I am an out-of-state applicant in case you want to know. Good luck!
Thanks a lot! Good luck wherever you end up...this process is just a big waiting game. I am hoping to hear some good news by the end of May...I just hope I can last that long!!!
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Toasty said:
Did anyone get a phone call from michigan state chm? The adcom meets tonight and then again the 11th and 25th. I am an alternate :( but I was just curious whether or not anyone was having any luck. I think there are only two or three more interview days so hopefull all the alternates will start hearing some good news soon!! :scared: Good luck to all the applicants!!! :luck:

hey, when did you interview? and how did you find out know you were an alternate? good luck
madonna said:
hey, when did you interview? and how did you find out know you were an alternate? good luck

I interviewed feb. 17th and I found out I was on the alternate list March 22. They posted the information on the status page and they sent an email. Nobody heard any news yesterday/today??? :(
Toasty said:
I interviewed feb. 17th and I found out I was on the alternate list March 22. They posted the information on the status page and they sent an email. Nobody heard any news yesterday/today??? :(
When I was there, they said that their alternate list moves very quickly. Hope you'll be one of those!