Multiple MCAT scores

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15+ Year Member
Jun 21, 2006
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I forgot I had this question, but we'll see if anyone knows the answer. I've taken 2 MCATs. Neither have been stellar, but we'll ignore that for the moment (I'm worrying enough about :scared:) First time I got a 26P (8PS/10VR/8BS). Second time I got a 28M (9PS/9VR/10BS) (don't ask about the M, sheesh).

Ok so my question is, I've heard different schools handle these in different ways. Some use your best score, some use your most recent (should be your best) and some combine your individual scores to give you the best possible overall score. Any idea what schools (if any) do the last?

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I believe I have heard that either Bostun University of Tufts combines. I think the MSAR has something about it under the MCAT score box.
Buy the MSAR, it will answer all of your questions. Even the meaning of life, it is in there I swear. I would just tell you, but that would be plagiarism. So go buy it.
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From the schools that I've contacted, Tufts, George Washington, and Medical College of Wisconson will combine the scores to give highest overall. I think Tulane may have also, but I'm not positive on that.
DoctorPardi said:
Buy the MSAR, it will answer all of your questions. Even the meaning of life, it is in there I swear. I would just tell you, but that would be plagiarism. So go buy it.

Heh, thanks for the advice. I've got last years MSAR, so that'll have to do for now.

@musiclink, sweet MCW. I applied there. Won't help terribly I don't think, but it's somethin!
I have two MSARs (you know what I mean). Both have MCAT medians and ranges, plus oldest MCAT considered. But I don't see anything on how multiple MCAT scores are handled.
DoctorPardi said:
Buy the MSAR, it will answer all of your questions. Even the meaning of life, it is in there I swear. I would just tell you, but that would be plagiarism. So go buy it.
Haha. That plagarism bit is great.
Johnny_one_eye said:
Heh, thanks for the advice. I've got last years MSAR, so that'll have to do for now.

@musiclink, sweet MCW. I applied there. Won't help terribly I don't think, but it's somethin!

I applied there after I found out that they will take my highest scores. That will give me a pretty good MCAT (32Q), which I'm hoping will go nicely with my just under 3.6 GPA. Although now I've been hearing things that they don't even consider out of staters with a GPA less than 3.7. But htis is SDN, where a person can say one thing and everyone might believe them without really knowing if it's true or not. I say, unless the admissions office says "We don't consider applicants with less than a 3.7 if they're out of state" then there is a chance.
musiclink213 said:
I applied there after I found out that they will take my highest scores. That will give me a pretty good MCAT (32Q), which I'm hoping will go nicely with my just under 3.6 GPA. Although now I've been hearing things that they don't even consider out of staters with a GPA less than 3.7. But htis is SDN, where a person can say one thing and everyone might believe them without really knowing if it's true or not. I say, unless the admissions office says "We don't consider applicants with less than a 3.7 if they're out of state" then there is a chance.

Haha you do realize ;) that an ad-com will tell someone with a 1.0 GPA and a 10 MCAT that they have a a chance, since they look over the entire application? They're not going to tell anybody anything to deter them from applying and thus not getting their secondary fee.
defrunner said:
Haha you do realize ;) that an ad-com will tell someone with a 1.0 GPA and a 10 MCAT that they have a a chance, since they look over the entire application? They're not going to tell anybody anything to deter them from applying and thus not getting their secondary fee.

Yea I know, but let me try to convince myself otherwise. :cool:
defrunner said:
Haha you do realize ;) that an ad-com will tell someone with a 1.0 GPA and a 10 MCAT that they have a a chance, since they look over the entire application? They're not going to tell anybody anything to deter them from applying and thus not getting their secondary fee.

Well, hopefully it's a balanced 10, and you have a higher BCPM than GPA. :laugh: