MWUAZ V.S. Case Western

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Aug 11, 2017
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I got offers from these two schools and am having a really hard time to decide.

I am a CWRU undergraduate student so I am familiar with Cleveland and have many friends over here. However, I really like MWUAZ and heard their clinical exposure is top among dental schools. I also heard from D4 students that clinical exposure is crucial for finding a job when graduating and Case does not have a good clinical program as MWU. Case also has this new building for medical, nursing and dental schools right across Cleveland Clinic and students will move there next year. Also Case is cheaper than MWUAZ. How should I decide??
Thanks guys!!!

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If you have a DDS/DMD, you will be able to get a job. Doesn't matter where it's from.
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MWU-AZ is a new school... Who said they have a "top" clinical program? This claim has no factual basis. I will let you in on a little secret: you will conduct more procedures your first month or so out in the real world than you did in virtually any dental school. Regardless, go with Case, it is an established program.