My application has been processed, when should I expect secondaries?

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7+ Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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AMCAS sent me an e-mail on June 9 saying that my application has been processed and sent out to all of my designated medical schools (I submitted the application a few minutes after it opened on June 7). When should I start to expect secondaries? I have not yet received any, even from the schools that send secondaries to all of their applicants. Will they start by sending the first batch in July? Confused as to how the process works.

Thanks in advance for your help! 🙂 I apologize if this is in the wrong forum or if this question has been posted elsewhere, I am a new member here!

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Damn dude, if you haven't received any by now that's a bad sign...

But seriously, AMCAS sends them out in July. Better get used to waiting in general through the whole process.

I think there's a few more recent threads on this. This sub-forum has school specific information. Usually somewhere on each thread someone posts a bunch of relevant data such as when the first secondaries were sent out, first interviews, etc. from the past cycle but I'm not seeing them this year.

Anywho, the earliest that schools will start to look at your app is June 24th. Even the earliest applicants do not start receiving secondaries until this date has passed. Don't worry, they will come much faster than you'd like them to in a week or two.
That's great to hear! I figured I was getting anxious too early in the game. Thank you both for your help! 🙂