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7+ Year Member
Apr 25, 2016
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Hello Everyone,

So I just wrote my OAT and I’m wondering if I could get your opinion on my chances.

Keep in mind that I am a Canadian student with a GPA of 3.13 (there is a strong upward trend).

I haven’t had a lot of shadowing time at an optometrist office but I plan to get at least 30 by the time I send my application in at the end of September. I have also had a bit of volunteer experience in both in and out of the health setting.

The schools I’m applying to are:

1) Illinois College of Optometry

2) Western University of Health Sciences

3) Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) School of Optometry

4) The New England College of Optometry

5) Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University

Bio 310

QR 290

RC 380

Physics 310

Gchem 320

Ochem 320

AA - 320

TS – 320

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The schools might ask you about the 290 but in general you should be fine to get in somewhere. Speak well in the interviews and have an idea of why you want to be an optometrist/get a feel for the profession through shadowing.
Best of luck!

Do you think I have a good chance of getting in somewhere without a bachelor's? I am currently studying accounting. I plan to apply to the optometry schools in Puerto Rico, Missouri, Illinois, the new one in Kentucky, and the one in San Antonio. Any other recommendations?

I have a 3.88 GPA. I have not finished all the pre-requisites yet. I plan to take the second semester of the science ones in the spring and I am taking the first semester science ones now (fall 2016) and I took one in the summer. I plan to take the OAT late this month or early October. I have already shadowed an optometrist. I took the ADA practice optometry test and these were my scores:
Biology: 310
Chemistry: 330
Organic Chemistry: 300
RC: 310
Physics: 240
QR: 400

I am practicing with the OAT Achiever to bring up the scores. I have already taken calculus 1, general chemistry 1, statistics, and psychology. I am currently taking physics and biology. Do you think it would be possible to get in with a 310 or 320 OAT?