My Official MCAT Scores Won't Post to AACPMAS

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Full Member
Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
I'm having a little bit of an issue here. I have everything completed on my application, ready to send off. However, my official MCAT scores just refuse to post. It's been 15 days since I sent the scores from AAMC. I have double checked to make sure my name, test dates, and AAMC ID match correctly.

I don't know what to do.. my MCAT is my biggest strength on my application and I don't want to send these off without them being officially posted. I tried contacting AAMC and they said they can't do anything on their end - it says the scores have been sent. I still haven't contact AACPMAS, so I guess I'll do that tomorrow.

Should I just go ahead and submit the application, or should I wait for the scores to post. I don't want to keep waiting, it's already been almost two weeks since applications opened. Also, has anyone else had this issue? If you have, how long did it take and what did you do to fix it?

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You should call/chat AACPMAS to do that. They probably have your scores but have to pair them to your account. I don't know if everyone has to do this, but I had to 2 years ago.
You should call/chat AACPMAS to do that. They probably have your scores but have to pair them to your account. I don't know if everyone has to do this, but I had to 2 years ago.
Thank you! I honestly wish I had called today but only had time to make one call so I chose AAMC. Definitely made the wrong choice. Glad to know I’m not the only one this has happened to though