I feel this wasn't answered appropriately because the person responding obviously responded with anger. I just wanted to say I feel it's really unfair to A) make generalizations about every dental college in South Asia B)Say that it's somehow easy to earn your place in these programs
That being said I do agree with you multiple attempts do matter and you do have to prove your worth, as do American students when they apply to school. Regardless of how long you've been out of practice after studying all of the materials you should be able to pass in the second if not first attempt. That being said I don't know anyone who has gotten into an IDP program with that many attempts even 2 Is pushing it sometimes (maybe AEGD etc but not IDP). You definitely have to earn your spot considering the 2-5% acceptance rate and I feel thats certainly competitive enough, I mean how much more could it really be? In that case there are American students who do crap in their BS and make up for it with master's, research, does that make them less worthy too? There are just as many Americans who struggle to get into dental school but you work hard and earn your keep.
This whole misconception that Indians somehow are just handed high GPAs is a little crazy to me... if we get below a 75% on our exams we automatically fail the whole year and are pushed back at least 6 months. It's not easy to get a high GPA at dental schools in India and I've never understood why everyone thinks so because I worked extremely hard for mine.
I do understand that there are always exceptions, people who get away with things but overall the entire system is generally pretty strict and not a hand me out, you have to prove you deserve to be here and that's fair enough. No need to bash on an entire country and bring immigration into this lol. There are flaws in every system but generally things work out for the best.
Sir, thank you for your input about Indian dental education.
Regrettably, I have seen several very brilliant kids from your country who had failed NBDE more than once with an extraordinary BDS gpa. Since you have mentioned that " if we get below a 75% on our exams we automatically fail the whole year and are pushed back at least 6 months ", and it is properly presumed that the exams are designed to let most of the students pass, I reckon that the passing grade for Indian student is actually 75.
Now, we know that in some countries, the passing grade for a course is 60. In the US, it is 70. In India, it is 75. This is something that the admission office should know.
My dear friend, intelligence varies from person to person, the same does grit, learning ability and dexterity. Don't say that I worked really hard... Admission committees only judge by what they actually see. If you failed one time, they think you are in the lower 5% correspondent to US students. When you have failed multiple times and you still claim you are among the top, then where the problem is, do Indians unselectively put all kinds of students into dental schools, or do you put 1+1=2 on exams???
p.s. Everyone knows you have lots of dental colleges in the country.
I would like to say in the end, I don't generalize. I don't generalize. I don't generalize. Your students are smart and hardworking. Perhaps, those very few people who"get away with things" are swarming to the U.S. and that's no wonder I have seen so many exceptions.