NBDE part 1 attempt

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Hey everyone, stop the hate talk and encourage the Efforts. This forum is for everyone who works hard and tries to achieve what he Deserves and Desires. Do not be Judgmental about anyone because life can turn anytime on the your side and you might be in the same shoe what others are facing. Peace. Be KIND and YOU will go far.

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Totally agree. The fact is currently many foreign nationals who come from THE country in SOUTH ASIA have already infiltrated into the dental education system and I would say, in the next 20 years, it will become even worse. These foreign PRIVATE dental school graduates with a surprisingly good-looking GPA would fail multiple attempts in the board exam and eventually, they can still practice in this country. And also, there is no brake in the immigration law to prevent them from pouring in. They will monopoly the whole profession. Really feel bad for your guys and god bless the United States.
I feel this wasn't answered appropriately because the person responding obviously responded with anger. I just wanted to say I feel it's really unfair to A) make generalizations about every dental college in South Asia B)Say that it's somehow easy to earn your place in these programs

That being said I do agree with you multiple attempts do matter and you do have to prove your worth, as do American students when they apply to school. Regardless of how long you've been out of practice after studying all of the materials you should be able to pass in the second if not first attempt. That being said I don't know anyone who has gotten into an IDP program with that many attempts even 2 Is pushing it sometimes (maybe AEGD etc but not IDP). You definitely have to earn your spot considering the 2-5% acceptance rate and I feel thats certainly competitive enough, I mean how much more could it really be? In that case there are American students who do crap in their BS and make up for it with master's, research, does that make them less worthy too? There are just as many Americans who struggle to get into dental school but you work hard and earn your keep.

This whole misconception that Indians somehow are just handed high GPAs is a little crazy to me... if we get below a 75% on our exams we automatically fail the whole year and are pushed back at least 6 months. It's not easy to get a high GPA at dental schools in India and I've never understood why everyone thinks so because I worked extremely hard for mine.

I do understand that there are always exceptions, people who get away with things but overall the entire system is generally pretty strict and not a hand me out, you have to prove you deserve to be here and that's fair enough. No need to bash on an entire country and bring immigration into this lol. There are flaws in every system but generally things work out for the best.
I feel this wasn't answered appropriately because the person responding obviously responded with anger. I just wanted to say I feel it's really unfair to A) make generalizations about every dental college in South Asia B)Say that it's somehow easy to earn your place in these programs

That being said I do agree with you multiple attempts do matter and you do have to prove your worth, as do American students when they apply to school. Regardless of how long you've been out of practice after studying all of the materials you should be able to pass in the second if not first attempt. That being said I don't know anyone who has gotten into an IDP program with that many attempts even 2 Is pushing it sometimes (maybe AEGD etc but not IDP). You definitely have to earn your spot considering the 2-5% acceptance rate and I feel thats certainly competitive enough, I mean how much more could it really be? In that case there are American students who do crap in their BS and make up for it with master's, research, does that make them less worthy too? There are just as many Americans who struggle to get into dental school but you work hard and earn your keep.

This whole misconception that Indians somehow are just handed high GPAs is a little crazy to me... if we get below a 75% on our exams we automatically fail the whole year and are pushed back at least 6 months. It's not easy to get a high GPA at dental schools in India and I've never understood why everyone thinks so because I worked extremely hard for mine.

I do understand that there are always exceptions, people who get away with things but overall the entire system is generally pretty strict and not a hand me out, you have to prove you deserve to be here and that's fair enough. No need to bash on an entire country and bring immigration into this lol. There are flaws in every system but generally things work out for the best.

Sir, thank you for your input about Indian dental education.

Regrettably, I have seen several very brilliant kids from your country who had failed NBDE more than once with an extraordinary BDS gpa. Since you have mentioned that " if we get below a 75% on our exams we automatically fail the whole year and are pushed back at least 6 months ", and it is properly presumed that the exams are designed to let most of the students pass, I reckon that the passing grade for Indian student is actually 75.

Now, we know that in some countries, the passing grade for a course is 60. In the US, it is 70. In India, it is 75. This is something that the admission office should know.

My dear friend, intelligence varies from person to person, the same does grit, learning ability and dexterity. Don't say that I worked really hard... Admission committees only judge by what they actually see. If you failed one time, they think you are in the lower 5% correspondent to US students. When you have failed multiple times and you still claim you are among the top, then where the problem is, do Indians unselectively put all kinds of students into dental schools, or do you put 1+1=2 on exams???

p.s. Everyone knows you have lots of dental colleges in the country.🙂

I would like to say in the end, I don't generalize. I don't generalize. I don't generalize. Your students are smart and hardworking. Perhaps, those very few people who"get away with things" are swarming to the U.S. and that's no wonder I have seen so many exceptions.
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I never said it's black or white? I started my argument by saying that you should be able to pass the NBDE regardless of how long you're out of practice. I never said I failed? I passed both in the first attempt. Never said a GPA should compensate... you need both to prove your worth.
I only brought up the 75 to point out that it isn't a hand me out and no our exams aren't 1+1 (LOL) they're not multiple choice either and require a pretty intensive amount of studying. I've seen plenty of Indians with lower GPAs so if it's a hand me out we should all have a 4.0
I was replying thinking you'd actually be sensible with your response but you just said a bunch of random stuff lol.
There are tons and tons of less deresving American dentists too, that's a point in every country. All I'm saying is 2-5% acceptance rate is enough competition to filter out those less deserving (for the most part) thats not fair to generalize and say everyone is just becoming dentists and didn't work for it. I actually agreed with you to some extent, just wasn't okay with the ignorance but you were too busy reacting to notice lol.
A LOT of people come here, yes A LOT maybe shouldn't and thats why the process is so selective.
Regardless talking poorly of any professional is very distasteful and unethical.
We trust the system to pick good 4 year DDS students in the same way we trust them to pick good IDP students.
Does that have a 100% success rate in either category? No. Is it your job to generalize and decide who does or doesn't deserve it also no. Should've known not to respond when you brought immigration into it though, speaks volumes.
Good luck to you - hope you learn a thing or to from the code of ethics regarding professionalism.
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I never said it's black or white? I started my argument by saying that you should be able to pass the NBDE regardless of how long you're out of practice. I never said I failed? I passed both in the first attempt. Never said a GPA should compensate... you need both to prove your worth.
I only brought up the 75 to point out that it isn't a hand me out and no our exams aren't 1+1 (LOL) they're not multiple choice either and require a pretty intensive amount of studying. I've seen plenty of Indians with lower GPAs so if it's a hand me out we should all have a 4.0
I was replying thinking you'd actually be sensible with your response but you just said a bunch of random stuff lol.
There are tons and tons of less deresving American dentists too, that's a point in every country. All I'm saying is 2-5% acceptance rate is enough competition to filter out those less deserving (for the most part) thats not fair to generalize and say everyone is just becoming dentists and didn't work for it. I actually agreed with you to some extent, just wasn't okay with the ignorance but you were too busy reacting to notice lol.
A LOT of people come here, yes A LOT maybe shouldn't and thats why the process is so selective.
Regardless talking poorly of any professional is very distasteful and unethical.
We trust the system to pick good 4 year DDS students in the same way we trust them to pick good IDP students.
Does that have a 100% success rate in either category? No. Is it your job to generalize and decide who does or doesn't deserve it also no. Should've known not to respond when you brought immigration into it though, speaks volumes.
Good luck to you - hope you learn a thing or to from the code of ethics regarding professionalism.
Not talking about you but bring attention to your people about the ATTEMPTS and SHOULD know how to improve themselves rather than talking here unrealistically.
We are open to immigrants, to those who are truly capable and competitive but not to sneaky liars or people who find easy ways. Unfortunately, the system somehow has flaws. If you are not one of them, just do your stuff and prove yourself.
Good luck with your application, buddy.
The exams are for a reason. You fail you should be kicked out and not allowed to practice.
I do not want to go to a doctor or dentist that failed their boards as they have NO proper knowledge to practice and I do not want to put my health in their hands. No patient life should be jeopardized!!
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The exams are for a reason. You fail you should be kicked out and not allowed to practice.
I do not want to go to a doctor or dentist that failed their boards as they have NO proper knowledge to practice and I do not want to put my health in their hands. No patient life should be jeopardized!!
And I wouldn't want a dentist that's racist or arrogant to violates the code of ethics by speaking ill of another professional but hey I guess we cant win them all *shrug* I would be equally disappointed to have a dentist with no morals or ethics.

That being said I agree that multiple attempts should not allow you to practice.. and thats why it significantly reduces your chances of getting accepted (it goes from a 2-5% chance to what??). Keep in mind that American dental students are allowed 3 attempts too so the same should apply to them then especially given yes they do have a stronger academic background and it should be even easier for them to pass (because schools cater their material towards the exam - I've seen this myself)

I don't know why you guys have had such terrible experiences and I am sorry you have, I hope you come across more competent dentists that can show you otherwise because at the major university closest to me ive heard amazing things about IDP students and how they actually have helped a lot of my 4 year friends with clinical work.

All I can say is please don't generalize, because there are some of who are working extremely hard and have both the stats and determination to prove it. Singling out a coutntry is even worse.. I've seen good and bad dentists from many countries and quite frankly was shocked at the lack of care when I did a few mission trips at other places where I would've expected better care.

Also, the ADA does not release stats about which country NBDE candidates are from not even international vs American let alone the specific country so feel free to post that.

We live in a time when racism is already such a problem and sometimes don't realize how small comments contribute to that problem so please be mindful of that. There are good and bad dentists and I hope you come across more good ones from India because they are certainly out there, sorry you haven't seen that thus far 🙂

I'm sorry you both have come across such poor IDP students that you felt the need to go on a forum that doesn't apply to you and rant about it (I imagine dental students/dentists would be busier Than that) but I really do hope you come across more people who show you otherwise. Best.
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It would've been fine if you guys stated that multiple attempts shouldn't be allowed as that's a reasonable statement. You're right these exams are here for a reason. But singling out a race, bringing immigration into it... thats where you have to draw the line.
There's a moral level you should have to hold yourself to as a dental professional... unfortunately no test for that.
I have no idea why you are attacking this person who is telling you the truth.
You ask questions- ADA has done research on foreign dental schools and has statistics. Look at "Me-Dentist" post above. If you can't pass boards' tests you should not be allowed to practice. And overwhelming majority of foreign-trained dentists from foreign schools not approved by ADA fail the boards. Draw conclusions from that.

This rule applies to the US dental school as well, every student must pass the boards before he/she is allowed to practice. Overwhelming majority of students from US dental schools pass the boards on the 1st attempt. ( same for Canadian, UK, Australia schools).
ADA has done research on foreign dental schools and has stats look at "me-dentist" post above??
Did you even look at the stats? or open the link?? LOL
That is an article from the University in Namibia in Africa about a test they made for foreign doctors (mainly)/dentists to come to Africa and it states that "The medical students were trained in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, China, Cuba and Algeria" and apparently they all basically failed... again a test by a University in Africa not the American boards.

Has nothing to do with A) the ADA b) the NBDE and C) Indians

Read before you react LOL
The exams are for a reason. You fail you should be kicked out and not allowed to practice.
I do not want to go to a doctor or dentist that failed their boards as they have NO proper knowledge to practice and I do not want to put my health in their hands. No patient life should be jeopardized!!
Nor would I put my health in FTDs with such a glassy heart. lol
You literally have a problem with the fact that I'm agreeing with you but condemning racism/generalizations (backed by irrelevant and fake articles) and I'm the one with a glassy heart? LOL IRONY FTW. I'm done here, please go focus on yourself instead of spending your time hating on international dentists on a thread FOR international dentists

* sorry I should say hating INDIAN dentists, since you were supportive of someone failing saying they may just be out of practice and that completely shifted only when you found out the person was Indian lol... this clearly goes beyond dentistry
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I scored 68, 74, 71 in my three attempts. Will it affect my application if I pass NBDE in multiple attempts? Is it reported to the universities that I passed on several attempts?
Please share any tips and advise on preparing for NBDE part 1 and how to go about my applications?
Hello, After reading your thread I was wondering what was your real experience? Did you apply in this cycle? and if you did, Did you actually have difficulty in getting admission? I am also an Indian dentist and have given 2 attmpts already. Do you think it's worth trying? Please let me know. Thank you.
Presently I am a dental student and studied for NBDE I for 2 weeks , I found the test easy as material was mostly what we already covered in the 1st year.
100% of my year passed the test and we all studied about the same amount.
I just don't understand how international dentists take the NBDE tests 3 times in a row and fail it (???)
the pass rate for international dentists is only 20% on the 1st attempt. ADA should seriously evaluate if international dentist that fail their 1st attempt should be even allowed to ever practice in USA.
There are several factors. 1) International dentists are not used to these types of standardized timed tests that people in the US have been taking since elementary school. 2) Language. (even if you speak English perfectly, this exam is hard if English is not your first language). 3) Usually international dentists have graduated many years before taking NBDE, and they usually have to juggle work and a family.
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