NC pre-vet "program"

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VMCVM Class of 2018
10+ Year Member
Jan 19, 2012
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Hi! So one of my cousins recently decided to start the pre-vet route. She is planning on moving to NC and going to NC state. She asked me if I knew anything about the pre-vet curriculum there, club, majors, opportunities, etc. and I had no idea what to tell her (being from MD). So I thought I would ask some of my more knowledgeable peers. I already gave her a ton of info on applying, what she needs to do to get experience, etc.

Specifically she is interested in equine.

Any info is appreciated! Thank y'all!

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I would try to answer, but a lot has changed since my undergrad days :) That is for the better! They have a great Pre-Vet support system here at NCSU, including the VetPAC (

Pre-Vet is just a label here, so the options on the majors is endless. This includes Animal Science, Poultry Science, Biology, etc. etc. Animal Science allows you to take a variety of courses focusing on different species (Equine, Bovine, Swine, etc). This is the link to the NCSU Animal Science Department that lists several things she can take a look at:

I am sure a more current student will be able to offer more insight :)
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its much less about a label and more about getting all your pre-reqs done. since ncsu has a vet school, i suspect their pre-vet club is massive and active - something to look into!
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If she has any more particular questions, I can probably answer them! I'm a recent NCSU grad (2012) and now attend the vet school. I'm not a horsey person but know we have a ton of opportunities with them; there's internships with the equine unit, a therapeutic riding organization in the area, you can actually take horseback riding as a PE credit, etc, etc.

If she's going to be in Raleigh sometime this semester, prospective students can meet up with VetPAC interns and chit chat about anything her heart desires - there's info on making an appt here: That website also has a ton of opportunities and info on it, too.
I'm a horsey person who's a senior. And I'm a VetPAC intern. Feel free to PM me.