NCSU Non-Thesis Master of Physiology

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7+ Year Member
Apr 17, 2017
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I'm interested in the MoP program as a means of gaining acceptance into dental school, but I have a few questions for anyone who has enrolled in/researched the program -

1. For a student with a low gpa, but all prereqs fulfilled, is this program better or worse than a postbacc program?
2. Is it true that many dental schools will not accept you until you have actually completed the program?
3. If I'm coming from a BS in bio at UNC and I'm very accustomed to extremely challenging science courses, to say the least, how difficult will this program be? Will it be doable to receive a 4.0 in the program, assuming I put in the work?
4. Will a 4.0 in this graduate program significantly help a 2.5 undergraduate gpa?

Thanks in advance!!

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