Need Advice: Reapplicant Essays - TMDSAS

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2+ Year Member
Jun 8, 2019
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Hi - I am reapplying to med school this cycle and am wondering how much I should change my primaries and secondaries. For TMDSAS, I completely rewrote my PS and diversity essay, but kept the optional essay with some revisions/edits since it mainly pertains to one of my hobbies: writing. For my secondaries, I plan to completely redo some like for UTSW and Baylor, but plan to just edit others like McGovern. My McGovern interviewer mentioned that my secondaries were good and I was really proud of them - think my interview was a big part of why I didn't get accepted. I tried to contact the school for feedback in March but they said to contact them after their incoming class was confirmed. I am wondering if I should just edit them or completely rewrite them since my previous secondary essays are still my best experiences/answers to the prompts? Thanks for all the help!

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I would suggest re-writing majority of the primary. You can edit/update secondaries for schools you interviewed at, but should still try to make major changes for the rest of them (especially if you only received 1-2 interviews).
I am wondering if I should just edit them or completely rewrite them since my previous secondary essays are still my best experiences/answers to the prompts?
It's hard without solid feedback from those who looked at your application previously. That said, if you are a strong applicant, you should have more than one answer to each essay prompt... but it's hard to say without knowing what prompts you are referring to.