
  1. D

    Reapplicant WAMC and School List help (518/3.75/FL ORM)

    Hello everyone! Thank you in advance for any advice or feedback. I am currently re-applying to medical schools after applying last cycle. I interviewed with 2 programs, Case Western and USF, and got waitlisted at both of them. Last year, I also received a 1st quartile CASPer, and I don't believe...
  2. A

    Reapplicant question

    I know that withdrawing prior to submitting secondaries makes one a reapplicant since the primary was received, and I just want to know how much does this affect this years application as I gear up to submit? Thank you in advance!
  3. D

    Retaking old MCAT with good score

    Hi everyone, I'm reapplying this cycle with an MCAT from September 2021 (525), but have realized now that many schools would not accept it: importantly for me USC, Kaiser, UCSF. I'm debating the pros and cons of a late retake in July, with a score release in August 2024. I'm worried about a...
  4. tired_old_crow

    MD/PhD Reapplicant Uncertainty. Looking for advice.

    Hello, unfortunately this past year hasn't been nice. On top of some personal stressors, I was reject from all the programs I finished applications for. I did manage 2 interviews that I thought went well, but unfortunately ended in WLs and eventual rejections. I'm trying to figure out if it is...
  5. jstkeepswimming

    WAMC/School List/Non-Trad Reinvention

    REPOST DUE TO MULTIPLE UPDATES. Hello, I am looking for some advice on a school list/things to add or change. I am a California resident and an ORM. GPA: GPA/Hours (this is my BCPM gpa, my everything else included cgpa is very close to this one, 3.04). I took 60 credit hours in my post-bacc...
  6. Rationale22

    WAMC/Reapplicant/School List/Application Advice 3.9/519, ORM, CA

    Hi all, I am thinking of reapplying this cycle, but I'm still waiting on 1WL from an unranked school. That school was the only one I got a II for last cycle. To be fair, I applied extremely top-heavy last cycle, and also applied later in the cycle (~mid August-late September). I was looking for...
  7. glitterwitch666

    WAMC/School List, 3.5/508/CA resident/re-app

    Hi everyone! Returning to SDN from an unsuccessful application cycle from 2021-2022 year (all pre-II R). While I work on solidifying applications, I'm looking for overall general advice on school lists and answers to a few specific questions. Any and all help appreciated :) Demographics: white...
  8. P

    Where do I go from here?

    Because of some bad advice I was given as well as poor decision making on my part, I applied to only 12 MD schools this past cycle and submitted all of my secondaries in September. Needless to say, it's not looking good for me right now. I have 2 Rs, 2 holds (so 2 soft Rs), and radio silence...
  9. F

    Need reapplicant/Gap year advice for mid to high stats ORM (soft WAMC too).

    I’m a 4th year undergrad graduating this May with double STEM majors (Biochem, Neuro) hailing from a large state school in the Southeastern US. My GPA is a 3.9 (probably will either stay or go up slightly at the end of this year) and my MCAT is a 518. I’m ORM, but from a rural area. I’m new...
  10. U

    Need Advice: Reapplicant Essays - TMDSAS

    Hi - I am reapplying to med school this cycle and am wondering how much I should change my primaries and secondaries. For TMDSAS, I completely rewrote my PS and diversity essay, but kept the optional essay with some revisions/edits since it mainly pertains to one of my hobbies: writing. For my...
  11. R

    WAMC Texas/3 MCAT retakes/3.9 GPA/ORM Reapplicant.

    Edit: After reading my post and comments an hour later. I think my best shot is to submit now so that I am complete early and pray for the best. I will leave the post up (with just my stats) for those to reference. My initial question was if I should take the MCAT for a 4th time... If anyone has...
  12. edc217

    apply early with CDAT VS retake CDAT and/or USDAT (reapplicant)

    Hi everyone Canadian reapplicant here :rofl: I did my undergrad in the States and a la carte post-bacc in Canada. I applied late in Sept 2021 to Canadian schools and a few US schools (Suny at Buffalo, NOVA, Pitts) but only got an interview at UBC. I continued to work as a dental assistant while...
  13. Z

    Dental Post-Bacc

    Hello! I've applied for the 2023 dental school cycle and got waitlisted. I'm trying to figure out what I should do if I don't make it in, and what I heard is that some reapply after doing post-bacc. I wanted to ask what should reapplicants do to prepare for the next cycle? Would the best option...
  14. JustBoughtAHammock

    WAMC: 3.73/511/ORM Texas Re-applicant that finally got clinical experience

    Last cycle I applied to every TMDSAS school (DO included) and received a whopping 0 interviews. I assume this was due to my lack of clinical experience. I have tried very hard over the last few months to gain meaningful clinical experience that I can reflect on in my application. I have bolded...
  15. Yarida

    MD & DO WAMC/School List, Reapplicant 3.71 GPA/515 MCAT ORM

    Hello, this is my 3rd cycle for MD and my first cycle for DO. I'd like your opinions on my chances this cycle, suggestions for schools, and what I should do during the cycle. Stats/Info: 515 MCAT (129/126/130/130) from September 2020 3.71 GPA/3.60 sGPA (low GPA freshman year during family...
  16. Yarida

    Should I retake a 515 MCAT from 2020 because it's too old for some schools?

    Hello, I am unfortunately preparing for a third MD application cycle. I scored a 515 (129/126/130/130) on my first MCAT in September 2020. The issue is that a number of schools next cycle will not accept MCAT's before 2021. I'm hard-capped on my CARS skills and I could not consistently improve...
  17. SicilianDragon

    MD Acceptance with LM 57

    I'm finally able to share my story with a happy ending. Four application cycles, 3 MCATs, 50+ medical schools, thousands of dollars on secondaries, tons of rejections, and countless tears/mental breakdowns later, I can finally say that I have been accepted into my dream school (a US MD program)...
  18. YoungDaggy

    (WAMC) No IIs 2023 Cycle, Reapply this year or wait until 2024?

    Graduated in Spring 2022 with a 4.00 GPA; currently taking a gap year. I took the MCAT twice (never did CARS practice): 503 (129/121/126/127) in 04/21; ran out of time at the end of C/P and skipped ~4.5 CARS passages. I didn’t really study for it and took it during a semester, dumb mistake I...
  19. kikikat

    WAMC/School List

    Edited for privacy.
  20. Mikeyavelli

    Rejected from 2021 cycle with 4 interviews. Please help me reapply!

    Hey everyone! First time reapplicant here AND FIRST TIME POSTER. I applied in 2021 and received 4 interviews in that cycle - UC Davis, CUSM (waitlisted), UNLV (waitlisted), and UNR. Cockily enough, I assumed I was going to get an acceptance that cycle, so I took a tech job in the Silicon Valley...
  21. lavbla

    WAMC Reapplicant 3.81 sGPA/508 MCAT

    Hello all! I applied to 28 schools with secondaries being sent back from July-September (which I regret). Moving forward I plan to prewrite my secondaries to avoid getting burnt out like I did this past cycle. I was hoping for a review of my app to get some advice on what else needs to be...
  22. T

    What would improve a low stat application?

    I have a 510 MCAT, 3.42 cGPA, and 3.47 sGPA. Should I retake the mcat or retake some science courses that I received B/C's in? Any advice would be great thank you
  23. T


  24. OchemOficionado

    ***2022-2023 URM Medical School Application Thread***

    It's that time of the year again! Please feel free to share your cGPA, sGPA, MCAT, Major, if you're non-trad, your ECs, etc. and ask and answer questions! Dates: AMCAS Opens - May 3rd, 2022 Application Submission - May 31st, 2022 Completed Applications Transmitted to Medical Schools - June...
  25. bouncydidit

    Writing "challenge" secondary question

  26. mrs3424

    need advice ... retaking MCAT

    hi I'm very new to this forum so I'm not really sure how it works completely but I need some advice. I applied last cycle to a handful of schools and didn't get in anywhere (no interviews either), with a 505 MCAT. I know my score was on the lower side, but I also think one of my biggest problems...
  27. L


  28. G

    Ensuring DAT Retake Score is Official on ADEA AADSAS Application

    I am planning to reapply for dental school this coming June 1st on ADEA AADSAS. I applied last year, 2021, and have been put on the waitlist at two schools. I took the DAT first last May, (5/27/21) and retook the exam this past March (3/21/22). When I entered my DENTPin on my current...
  29. F

    526/3.9 Reapplicant School List Advice?

    Hi all, 526/3.9 from a T20 undergrad, double majored in Bio and Chem, FL resident. This past cycle, I received one interview and I am currently on the waitlist. I think the major factors contributing to a lack of good results were 1. Not having anyone vet my essays, 2. Minimal clinical...
  30. P

    Rejected from med schools 2 years ago. What are my chances now?

    Hi everyone. As the title says, I applied to medical school during college back in 2019-2020 and was not accepted. For starts, I truly did not know what I was doing then... I went to a large (but academically well-respected) university, and the pre-health advisors were awful. But I've lived and...
  31. johnsonthehopeful

    Reapplicant advice/school list assistance

    Hello all. I've used SDN for years, but after an unsuccessful app cycle this year, I've decided to finally ask for some assistance. I only applied to a few schools last cycle, but I thought I would just give it a shot since I had AAMC Fee Assistance. In hindsight, I shouldn't have applied last...
  32. Neuro Spartan D.O.

    How accurate is this statement for DO reapplications:

    "Assuming you didn't get in anywhere previously, schools will only know whether you are reapplying to their program, but not others. Moreover, they can only see your previous application if they saved it in their database. However, med schools to which you are applying for the first time will...
  33. C

    Help identifying flaws in app: 516 MCAT, 3.7 GPA, no interviews

    Hello, I am applying this current cycle and have had no interview invites, so I was hoping to gain some advice on where to proceed from here. [deleted for anonymity] Was my late completion date the main killer of my app? I thought so, but also received rejections from schools I was complete at...
  34. D

    Chance at getting into another school after suspension / dismissal

    Hello. As explained in another thread, I was dismissed from optometry school at the end of my 1st Year Fall Semester for academic reasons - failed one lab and lecture. I attempted to appeal and that fell through - the committee upheld my suspension. I was wondering how likely it could be to...
  35. foultarnished97

    WAMC reapplicant + help with school list (3.67 cGPA, 3.5 sGPA, 512)

    I'm a likely reapplicant who has received no IIs this cycle, so I'll start with my old app and then I'll list what I've done to improve for the next cycle (2022-2023). Just looking for a better school list and general opinions on the improvements I'm making as a reapplicant. Made a post before...
  36. foultarnished97

    Is this a good plan to gain clinical experience as a reapplicant?

    I applied this cycle to about 26 MD and 5 DO schools and have not received any IIs. In December I started working as a scribe at an orthopedics clinic. I’ll be able to get about 480 hrs through this by the time I reapply. I also worked as a patient transporter from September to December 2021 but...
  37. Dhudez

    Some advice for 2nd time applicant

    Hey Everyone, Little background about me: Applied to 14 schools back in 2019: 3.4ish oGPA/3.1 sGPA DAT: 18AA/19TS/17PAT 500+ hours of shadowing 500+ hours of volunteering 4 strong LOR's I ended up getting one super late interview in April 2020 which ended up being virtual due to covid. I...
  38. W

    Current cycle applicant slowly becoming a re-applicant, please help fix my app.

    As the title says, I am a current applicant this cycle. I am a senior finishing my now final semester of undergrad, and it is safe to say that this cycle has not gone as I had hoped. As of now I only have had one II from my state school, to which I won't find out the final decision until March...
  39. chicken-n-beer

    MD School List Help (2022-2023 Cycle)

    Hello everyone! I'm almost done with my Masters program (currently sitting at a 3.75 and anticipate approximately a 3.8 at graduation). I'm studying for the MCAT and anticipate a score in the "teens" (i.e. practice scores at/above 513). I'm trying to build a good school list but I'm clueless. I...
  40. C

    Seeking Gap Year Advice as a Reapplicant
