Need Help Deciding What to do w/ AP Credits??

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Apr 29, 2016
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You can retake the intro courses but I wouldn't look at it as a way to cushion your GPA. I would instead look at it as a way to get interested in biology because between your upper level bio courses, studying for the DAT, and the first two years at dental school, you're going to have quite a few bio classes/bio related material left in your academic career.
You can retake the intro courses but I wouldn't look at it as a way to cushion your GPA. I would instead look at it as a way to get interested in biology because between your upper level bio courses, studying for the DAT, and the first two years at dental school, you're going to have quite a few bio classes/bio related material left in your academic career.
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Also, I heard at some schools intro courses are used as weed-outs and have harsh grade deflation, so even the material is simpler its sometimes better to take upper level courses to avoid the deflation.

If any Rutgers students can verify if thats the case with Rutgers Bio classes that would be great.
You're going to have to take the intro level courses as pre-requisites and then higher level courses for your major, regardless.
You're going to have to take the intro level courses as pre-requisites and then higher level courses for your major, regardless.
Im not sure that Ill be majoring in Biology though.
I took AP Bio and received a 5 on the exam. I majored in Bio, and I'm glad I took the entire introductory sequence (didn't use the AP credit). I feel like it was a good way to learn about how the department operated/graded prior to taking more difficult courses. Additionally, it really cemented the information for the DAT (I received a 21 on the bio subsection).