New Audiology Praxis Exam

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Sep 29, 2011
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So I was planning on taking the Praxis Sept. 17th, but could not because that test was discontinued, because the new and revised Praxis starts with the Nov. 12th test date. The scoring is now different. You must get 170 in order to pass. There is no study guide available at this time that reflects the changes for the new test. I am a masters level audiologist returning to the field. Any suggestions on ways to study? Any and all recommendations welcomed.

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Hey we can be Praxis buddies!! lol That happened to me as well. I didnt even get an email about it. I found out from a classmate that they changed it....I heard that happened to others as well, so Im not happy about that.

But I am a bit nervous about the change. I havent heard about the new test at all and didnt know about the scoring change either. Ugh. Anything else that you have heard about?? Like content change because that is how I was basing my studying on.
I noticed that there are two different test numbers on the Praxis site: 0340 and 0341 -- is one of these the old test and the other one the new?
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I believe this side-by-side comparison should help guide the prep work for the new exam. Looks like much of the old content will remain in some form or fashion. I have not been able to locate any worthwhile study guides. The audiology-specific Praxis study guides for purchase on Amazon get very bad reviews. Could you post any websites or study guides that you are using to prepare for the Nov 12 test? I am going to keep looking but to this point I'm not finding a lot out there to help!
It looks like the big things that changed were vestib and electrophys testing.
I have been calling ETS on a regulalr basis trying to get a date when the study guide for the new audiology praxis test (0341) will be available. A representative finally called me back and said that the study guide will be available on Nov. 1st. I don't know if I trust that date, because ETS apprears to be really unorganized to me. I hope this date is accurate, because it would be nice to get an idea of what the new test will be like.

Someone told me to make sure that I know ASHA's protocol/guidelines for kids birth to 5. I found and article on ASHA's website, but I am not sure if this is what they were referring to. Can anyone shed any light?
0341 is the new test. 0340 has be discontinued
I have been calling ETS on a regulalr basis trying to get a date when the study guide for the new audiology praxis test (0341) will be available. A representative finally called me back and said that the study guide will be available on Nov. 1st. I don't know if I trust that date, because ETS apprears to be really unorganized to me. I hope this date is accurate, because it would be nice to get an idea of what the new test will be like.

Someone told me to make sure that I know ASHA's protocol/guidelines for kids birth to 5. I found and article on ASHA's website, but I am not sure if this is what they were referring to. Can anyone shed any light?
Isn't this the study guide attached? Or is there another study guide that will be published?

I am trying to debate whether I should take the praxis now (3rd year student) or wait until i'm done with this year.


  • 0341(4).pdf
    302.8 KB · Views: 297
Thanks for the clarification, everyone, on the test numbers!

I am trying to debate whether I should take the praxis now (3rd year student) or wait until i'm done with this year.

I am in the same boat -- I was thinking of studying over the winter holiday break and taking it in January, but I won't have my vestibular class until next semester. I think I might wait and take it the next round when I will have more of the vestibular stuff covered.
Unfortunately, I did not pass the praxis :( I thought the test was hard, but I have been out of work and away from audiology for 7 years. Just a head's up I thought the test was heavy of electrophys stuff. Also lots of questions about different syndromes and assessment scales. I retake it in 4 weeks. Has anyone purchased the flashcard system on Amazon to help study? Any and all advice welcomed!
i decided not to take it until later and now i'm glad. i heard it was heavy on vestib, and we don't even take our advanced vestib class until next semester.

i think this version is harder than the previous version, because all the students last year said it was cake and this year they said it was challenging.
There are some books and flashcard systems available for purchase online now. Has anyone tried them? I just ordered one published by Mometrix Media but there are no reviews so I'm not sure how helpful it will turn out to be.
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I took it and PASSED!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::D:D:D It was very heavy in electrophys. I think if you understand the underlying anatomy and phys though you can get through most of it. But there were definite scales the APHAB, COSI, CHAPS and such.
There are some books and flashcard systems available for purchase online now. Has anyone tried them? I just ordered one published by Mometrix Media but there are no reviews so I'm not sure how helpful it will turn out to be.

I just bought and received Praxis II Audiology (0341) Exam Secrets by Mometrix Media also. I got it for $40 on Amazon. For some reason I thought it would be like an inch thick like the SAT and GRE study guides, but it is a half inch thick. It contains one full length test. I haven't started using it yet, but I am glad I got it.

Have you started on yours yet?
Yeah and I'm not sure I'm a believer just yet... It looks like an overview of undergrad hearing science so far. I take the test in one week and I'll let you know!
Yeah and I'm not sure I'm a believer just yet... It looks like an overview of undergrad hearing science so far. I take the test in one week and I'll let you know!

Good luck to you! Let us know -- I bet you'll do great.

I must say, I just took the practice test in the Mometrix Media book and I am very disappointed. While it helped point out some areas I should study, some of the questions are ridiculous or just plain wrong. For example, "About how many of every 1000 school-aged children in the U.S. have severe to profound hearing losses?" (the italics theirs, not mine.)

Possible answers: 3, 5, 7, 9

Their answer? 9. I don't know, but I think this overestimates by quite a bit. They do not cite anywhere where they got this number. If 1-2 out of 1000 have severe to profound hearing loss at birth, does that mean that another 7-8 will acquire it before age 18? Really?

The very next question: "How many of every 1000 school-aged children in the US have permanent sensorineural hearing loss?" Possible answers: 10, 5, 8, 12

First -- very close numbers, so if there is slight disagreement among national surveys that attempted to get this number, you are screwed. (Having a bunch of very close numerical choices was common in a lot of questions on the test.) Correct answer? 10. Didn't they just tell us that 9 of 1000 have severe to profound hearing loss? Does that leave only 1 in 1000 having anywhere from mild to moderately severe vs 9 in 1000 severe to profound? IT MAKES NO SENSE!

And finally, the test had NO QUESTIONS ABOUT HEARING AIDS!! None. Zippo. Nothing about compression, nothing about fitting, verification, DSL, NAL, styles, assessment instruments, NOTHING.

So while this book is just about the only thing out there, I think it could cause more panic than warranted, and I think it is just BAD. I am sorry I wasted my money.
Hey, I just found the link to the practice test I was talking abou tif you want to check it out for yourself. There was a URL printed in the back of the book for "bonus materials". The test looks like the exact same one as in the book. Wish I knew about it -- I might not have bought the book.....
Yeah, I was going to be devil's advocate until you got to the second question. That doesn't make much sense...

Just curious, do you have to take the qualifying test every year as part of your program? That's what we do at Iowa. Every student takes the whole test every year, but first-years are only required to pass a certain section, second-years a bit more, etc. That's why I haven't bought any preparation materials; I just assumed this yearly testing will help me know what kinds of questions will be on the praxis.

Just curious, do you have to take the qualifying test every year as part of your program? That's what we do at Iowa. Every student takes the whole test every year, but first-years are only required to pass a certain section, second-years a bit more, etc. That's why I haven't bought any preparation materials; I just assumed this yearly testing will help me know what kinds of questions will be on the praxis.

No, but now that you tell me, I wish we did. That seems like it would make life easier when it comes to studying for comps and the Praxis!
Oh man. And here I thought it was standard practice!
Anyone who has already taken the Praxis: How strict are they regarding "personal items"? Will they allow a water bottle and pack of kleenex for instance?
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Anyone who has already taken the Praxis: How strict are they regarding "personal items"? Will they allow a water bottle and pack of kleenex for instance?

All testing sites have a certain standard they hold the proctors to in order to be able to administer the test.

That said, when I took it I definitely brought some of that bottled water and as long as it is in view of the proctor it should be good. They may ask to inspect your facial tissues to ensure that you haven't "smuggled" notes in some way (I'm sure you wouldn't) but it's just more of what they do to maintain the high standard and academic integrity that they are expected to.

It's not an easy test for sure. I took the 0340 version and passed but I wont sit here and say it was easy and all that. I've kept my ear to the street on the newest version and it's still testing the same content, it just may come at you a little differently. If you did well in your academic program to get to the point where you'll take the Praxis then you'll have all the tools at your disposal that will facilitate your success.

Definitely the stuff about ABR interpretation, Middle and late latency responses, vestibular... that's all legit stuff. Especially ABR... as audiologists we should know those latency ranges cold and especially diagnostic ABR...It's all legit questions if you ask me.

People always say tests are easy after they take them and do well but remember hindsight is always 20-20... you should NEVER underestimate these kind of tests. I got the Kaplan test prep materials and it helped a lot. Definitely worth the cash. Although the content areas were spot on, I felt the subjective magnitude of the questions on Kaplan prep was significantly less than that of the real test. You might feel differently, but the important thing to do is to be confident in yourself, eat right, exercise and do all that you do to get ready. A healthy mind is in a healthy body.

Believe in yourself!! If you can, take it when you're fresh on the material and avoid putting it off if possible.
I have a question.. not really relevant to any of you, but I'm just curious. How is that test set up? Is it multiple choice or other things also?
Belated congrats to AuDball for passing!

As a few of you have already said, study and preparation material is embarassingly limited (post graduation project anyone?). For that reason, it is recommended that you take it in your 3rd year shortly after comprehensive exams so the material is fresh on your mind. Personally, I have not signed up for it and I'm not sure I will this year. It really depends on how my doc project progresses. Too much to do at this point..
Just wondering if anyone is taking the test in March???

I am desperately trying to study, but it just feels like my wheels are turning... I figure if we can form a group to collaborate, that would help :D

I just bought and received Praxis II Audiology (0341) Exam Secrets by Mometrix Media also. I got it for $40 on Amazon. For some reason I thought it would be like an inch thick like the SAT and GRE study guides, but it is a half inch thick. It contains one full length test. I haven't started using it yet, but I am glad I got it.

Have you started on yours yet?

So I was a total skeptic regarding this study guide, due to the atrocious editing. But it was the only study material I used and I ended up scoring awesomely well on the exam! So maybe I would recommend it. I didn't bother much with the practice questions at the end because they weren't true to the format of the test--for example, there are NO questions with choices "all of the above" or "none of the above" on the Praxis. Although it is a little bit offensive that someone who knows nothing about our field has ventured to write a book to prepare us for our national exam, it was actually not a bad way to prepare.
I took the practice test under the bonus links and scored a 76/100. I found it to be borderline useless with glaring inaccuracies. Obviously prepared by non-Audies as someone else has already mentioned. If that resembles the real Praxis II, I don't much see the point of the exam. I lol'd at the contradicting answers on statistics.. No amp, ephys, vestib, or even acoustics for that matter.. The practice test wreaks of 'speechiness', though I guess beggars can't be choosers. I contemplated buying the flash cards. Luckily, amazon will send you a sample through the kindle app on iPhone. Needless to say, I remain $40 richer.
Yeah the practice test was a joke. I got through about 4 questions before dismissing it as a waste of time. Reading the book cover to cover though was actually kind of helpful. And occasionally, good for a laugh.
So I was a total skeptic regarding this study guide, due to the atrocious editing. But it was the only study material I used and I ended up scoring awesomely well on the exam! So maybe I would recommend it. I didn't bother much with the practice questions at the end because they weren't true to the format of the test--for example, there are NO questions with choices "all of the above" or "none of the above" on the Praxis. Although it is a little bit offensive that someone who knows nothing about our field has ventured to write a book to prepare us for our national exam, it was actually not a bad way to prepare.

Thanks -- this is all VERY good to know!! I wonder if the study guide portion was prepared by someone different than the practice test. It is also really good to know that "none of the above," etc. are on the real test.
Is anyone aware of a practice exam/study material out there that is via downloadable software? A classmate of mine got a hold of a nice practice guide, but she is one of those shady types who won't disclose the source. Anyone know of something similar out there? It may very well be the practice exam in the momedia package (not software), but some of the questions she read were fairly difficult and appeared to resemble what could possible be on 0341. Are the questions/material much different from the bonus questions? Because I don't recall a single q pertaining to balance, ephys, or amp..
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Is anyone aware of a practice exam/study material out there that is via downloadable software? A classmate of mine got a hold of a nice practice guide, but she is one of those shady types who won't disclose the source. Anyone know of something similar out there? It may very well be the practice exam in the momedia package (not software), but some of the questions she read were fairly difficult and appeared to resemble what could possible be on 0341. Are the questions/material much different from the bonus questions? Because I don't recall a single q pertaining to balance, ephys, or amp..

She won't share? For the Praxis? Seriously? But she will tempt you with questions? Wow. It's not like it's a competition for a grade in a class. And it's not like she went through all the trouble to prepare all the questions herself and is embarrassed her answers might be wrong. I wonder what she would be like to work with after she graduates. Sounds like she is making a good impression on potential colleagues....not!

But sadly, no, I have not heard of anything like that. My friend who took the previous Praxis just 1 or 2 years ago got a study guide from ETS but now they don't have one. I wonder if the old ones are still around. It can't be that different.

EDIT: actually, just came across this on Ebay: Computer Practice Module for the Praxis Examination in Audiology By Payne, Kay Could that be it?

Another EDIT: Or maybe this is it: The Praxis Series Audiology Study Guide (Google eBook) This one looks like it could actually be useful. It is available for Nook and iPad and web and is cheap! And by ETS!
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Here is a question from the first chapter of the last guide I listed, the ETS. I was sure I knew this. But my choice is not the right one, so I am taking a poll!

Which of the following earmold modifications would increase the amount of high frequency gain provided by a behind-the-ear hearing aid/earmold combination?

A) Gradually increasing the tubing diameter from earhook to canal tip
B) Gradually decreasing the tubing diameter from earhook to canal tip
C) Increasing the length of tubing from earhook to canal tip
D) Drilling a pressure release vent in the earmold
E) Adding a 1200 Ohm filter in the earhook

Well, people, which do you think it is? :)
I think it is C...increase tubing length. Basically same rationale as getting long vs. medium canal length on mold...

What say you?
She won't share? For the Praxis? Seriously? But she will tempt you with questions? Wow. It's not like it's a competition for a grade in a class. And it's not like she went through all the trouble to prepare all the questions herself and is embarrassed her answers might be wrong. I wonder what she would be like to work with after she graduates. Sounds like she is making a good impression on potential colleagues....not!

But sadly, no, I have not heard of anything like that. My friend who took the previous Praxis just 1 or 2 years ago got a study guide from ETS but now they don't have one. I wonder if the old ones are still around. It can't be that different.

EDIT: actually, just came across this on Ebay: Computer Practice Module for the Praxis Examination in Audiology By Payne, Kay Could that be it?

Another EDIT: Or maybe this is it: The Praxis Series Audiology Study Guide (Google eBook) This one looks like it could actually be useful. It is available for Nook and iPad and web and is cheap! And by ETS!


It's not that bad, I'm sure it would be shared eventually. Though I fully expect a bizarre story next week about how a pterodactyl swooped in and snatched her cell phone, disabled text messaging on the phone thus making it impossible to respond to our requests for the download source.

Interesting software, though it's from 2000. Not sure I would shell out $50+ for that. I recognize some of the Q's from your second link. It appears that's the one. It's made for 0340, but is from ETS. For the price, I think it's definitely worth trying.

As for the Q, I'm going with C. :smuggrin:
For the question I would have thought A because it sounds like the same principle as a libby horn but I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong. :shrug::

Also, just to clarify...I am not the "shady" classmate that Dusty mentioned earlier and I also look forward to an entertaining story! :laugh:
For the question I would have thought A because it sounds like the same principle as a libby horn but I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong. :shrug::

Also, just to clarify...I am not the "shady" classmate that Dusty mentioned earlier and I also look forward to an entertaining story! :laugh:

Well, you C people are right -- I thought it was A also because of the Libby horn. By lengthening tubing, I figured all frequencies would be attenuated. Think of doing a listening check with a stethoscope with long tubing vs short -- it sounds louder with the shorter tubing. It's also like having a larger ear canal volume -- more air to push around. I truly don't get the C answer, but they didn't really explain it. A longer earmold takes up more volume in the ear canal leaving less space and thus less air to move around. I will have to ask at my placement on Weds. I have a wizard of a supervisor.
Hmm.. I was trolling, thought that C would be the worst answer. I would think increasing diameter and decreasing the length of the tube all the way from basic acoustics principles (so probably A from the choices). I wouldn't think that the canal length rationale is applicable as I was under the impression that proximity to the TM contributes in frequency response (ie, prob mic measures with insufficient depth into canal).. I should probably go ahead and schedule my remediation date for comps eh? :lol:
Hmm.. I was trolling, thought that C would be the worst answer. I would think increasing diameter and decreasing the length of the tube all the way from basic acoustics principles (so probably A from the choices). I wouldn't think that the canal length rationale is applicable as I was under the impression that proximity to the TM contributes in frequency response (ie, prob mic measures with insufficient depth into canal).. I should probably go ahead and schedule my remediation date for comps eh? :lol:

I am beginning to wonder if it's just a typo. It's on Page 7 of the ETS guide if anyone else wants to look.
I also just took the new test in January and I didn't pass. I worked as an audiologist for over 15 years but had taken a long break and recently completed my AuD, but still found there was a lot of material I had no idea about. Now I'm really freaked out because I don't know what it's going to take to get my license back. Anybody have any suggestions? I had ordered a study guide online and honestly it was useless (Mometix, I think). It was so unprofessional -- copied material from "what is an audiologist" brochures -- that I threatened to take legal action against them and they refunded my money. Anybody have any other suggestions for a study guide? I'm retaking the exam in March and feel totally unprepared! :-(
If you recently finished your Au.D. I would just use notes from courses you have taken if you didn't feel the other study material was enough... (although unfortunately we can't threaten our schools if they didn't prepare us with law suits :p, lol)
Unfortunately, I did not pass the praxis :( I thought the test was hard, but I have been out of work and away from audiology for 7 years. Just a head's up I thought the test was heavy of electrophys stuff. Also lots of questions about different syndromes and assessment scales. I retake it in 4 weeks. Has anyone purchased the flashcard system on Amazon to help study? Any and all advice welcomed!

I am in the same boat as you, almost. I have had my Master's for 36 years. I lived most of that time out of the country and did not practice. I never got my license. SO...I am scheduled to take it on Mar 10th. I can not find anything to help me study. ASHA was useless, and Praxis doesn't have a review book out "yet". I did order the review book put out by Mometrix. I don't have it yet. Is there anythiing else" Did you get the flashcards and were they of use to you?

I have been dispensing hearing aids for the past 4 years and absolutely HATE the retail environment. But, as you know, you have to have a license to sign insurance forms for doctors to bill, so I am stuck in retail, Please give me some kind of hope.

I did take and fail the Praxis twice in 2008 with identical scores of 550. Failed, but not too badly for being out of school for 36 years, not being in a practice or clinical setting or reading one word.

Now I am in a panic. Please share anything positive..
I am in the same boat as you, almost. I have had my Master's for 36 years. I lived most of that time out of the country and did not practice. I never got my license. SO...I am scheduled to take it on Mar 10th. I can not find anything to help me study. ASHA was useless, and Praxis doesn't have a review book out "yet". I did order the review book put out by Mometrix. I don't have it yet. Is there anythiing else" Did you get the flashcards and were they of use to you?

I have been dispensing hearing aids for the past 4 years and absolutely HATE the retail environment. But, as you know, you have to have a license to sign insurance forms for doctors to bill, so I am stuck in retail, Please give me some kind of hope.

I did take and fail the Praxis twice in 2008 with identical scores of 550. Failed, but not too badly for being out of school for 36 years, not being in a practice or clinical setting or reading one word.

Now I am in a panic. Please share anything positive..

I don't think you will find the Mometrix book very good as Kini Ana posted earlier (she got her money back). There is ETS version of the Praxis guide available through Google Books (to purchase for around $14). I think it is for the previous test. You can read it on your computer as well as other devices, like iPad and maybe Nook. It is not that old -- 2007 or 2008.

For those of you who have taken the Praxis, do you get any information back with your scores that says how you did in various categories?

Oh, and regarding the sample question I posted earlier about how to increase high frequency gain, my supervisor who has dual degrees in acoustical engineering and audiology said for sure it is A, increase tubing diameter.
FYI, email from ETS today:

Our Audiology Study Guide for 0341 will be available in the next few days. If you don't see it posted my EOD tomorrow, check the website on Monday or Tuesday. The link to that would be found on the test prep page for the Audiology test The study guide should appear below the Related Test Prep heading.
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Awesome! I have been checking the page daily.... seems like it is a little late for me, but I am buying it anyway :D
So I got the new study guide (thanks dustbug), took the practice test (I thought it was hard -- there were a lot of questions that I could narrow down to 2 answers) and scored 90% -- I am pretty happy with that, but what is passing? Like, how much worse can I do on the real thing and still pass?
Of those of you who have taken the most recent praxis, I have a question... I have been able to look through the the most recent study guide (0341), the previous study guide (0340) and the study guide for 0340 from 1995.

My question is:

Were there any questions directly from the study guide on the praxis???

I have noticed that in all three of these study guides there are some of the exact same questions... just wondering (hoping) that the test does too :D
No exact copies, but there were some that I was able to answer specifically because of the study guide. Does that help?