New college retake core premed classes (post undergrad)

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Dec 28, 2011
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I graduated with two undergrad engineering degrees from a nationally ranked university with a gpa of about 3.1. My premed classes (orgos, bios, chems) i did not do so good. If i go to a university near me that isnt as well regarded but is still a university and major in something easier like psychology or sociology and just retake all the premed classes and get a 3.9 or 4.0 what do you think MD schools would think of that especially if i got all A's in the science core classes?

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getting all As in re-take is good. The problem for you is your not-so-competitive GPA, and that its heavily weighted after taking the 220 quarter units for a bachelors.

You should attempt some other science classes that would help bosst your GPA, or show excellent academic accomplishment.
Thanks for the info alexrgross but if i go to a new university wouldnt my GPA reset. Id start with a clean slate, i would ony transfer credits that i got A's in and then do whats left it would onlt take a year or two to get the degree and i could take my time with it and focus on the sciences. I guess what im saying is im not familiar with the MD admissions process. Could i just send my transcript from the new university and leave out my old university GPA and degrees?
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Thanks for the info alexrgross but if i go to a new university wouldnt my GPA reset. Id start with a clean slate, i would ony transfer credits that i got A's in and then do whats left it would onlt take a year or two to get the degree and i could take my time with it and focus on the sciences. I guess what im saying is im not familiar with the MD admissions process. Could i just send my transcript from the new university and leave out my old university GPA and degrees?

Your GPA at your new university would reset. Even if you transfer all of your classes over, you won't get a grade associated with them, and your specific GPA for that university will only consist of classes you take at that university. What alexgross meant, I believe, was that when you submit your application whenever you are ready, you'll have to list ALL of the courses you took, and your AMCAS-calculated GPA will include everything.

Your GPA is low, but I believe it is high enough for a post-bac or SMP program. If you do one of those programs instead (one year; possibly two if you want to take a lot of classes) it may be a much better use of your time instead of getting a third bachelor's degree. You can re-do your prereqs and even take upper-level science classes and your SMP program will also have its own GPA associated with it. If you do very well in your SMP program (3.7+) adcoms will strongly consider your SMP gpa/performance over your undergrad performance.
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Thanks for the info alexrgross but if i go to a new university wouldnt my GPA reset. Id start with a clean slate, i would ony transfer credits that i got A's in and then do whats left it would onlt take a year or two to get the degree and i could take my time with it and focus on the sciences. I guess what im saying is im not familiar with the MD admissions process. Could i just send my transcript from the new university and leave out my old university GPA and degrees?

While your GPA at the new university is a clean slate, your application to med schools will require transcripts from any institution you have previously attended. the GPA you receive from the retakes will be averaged with your old GPA for MD schools. If you are applying to DO schools, these classes will essentially "replace" your old grades. This isn't exactly what happens, but it is the general idea.
Thank you Missmed and Plumhill for the advice. Not sure what i am going to do either post bac or third degree. I will have to do some more research. Thanks guys
Thanks for the info alexrgross but if i go to a new university wouldnt my GPA reset. Id start with a clean slate, i would ony transfer credits that i got A's in and then do whats left it would onlt take a year or two to get the degree and i could take my time with it and focus on the sciences. I guess what im saying is im not familiar with the MD admissions process. Could i just send my transcript from the new university and leave out my old university GPA and degrees?

This part made me laugh because it is written in such a nonchalant manner as if this would be a reasonable thing. If things worked like this, every MD applicant would have a 4.0.
If you are applying to DO schools, you can just re-take the classes you did poorly in and replace the poor grades. If you are applying to MD schools, maybe you should take postbaccalaureate programs. They may be cheaper than getting a third degree. And if you do well, maybe the schools will overlook the lower undergraduate GPA.

Of course, this strategy works better if you can really rock the MCAT (35+).