New member! What are my chances? thanx

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Senior Member
15+ Year Member
Jul 9, 2005
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Hi, I'm going into my 3rd year but don't know if I can graduate in 3 years but I'm applying to a few pharmacy schools anyways. Hope you guys can help me think about my chances.

GPA - 3.76
Science - 3.83
Extracurricular - Volunteer at a Buddhist temple for 8 years, just started volunteering at a hospital
Honors - Provost's Honors, those National Honor stuff

i will be applying to UCSF and University of Colorado.

Considering I might not get my BAchelor's yet, what will be my chances?

thanks a lot, i know these threads are repetitive

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New member, there are a TON of these "What are my Chances" thread--in the future, do a search on your own first, primarily just b/c these kinds of threads are so SO common! :thumbup:
doublehh03 said:
Hi, I'm going into my 3rd year but don't know if I can graduate in 3 years but I'm applying to a few pharmacy schools anyways. Hope you guys can help me think about my chances.

GPA - 3.76
Science - 3.83
Extracurricular - Volunteer at a Buddhist temple for 8 years, just started volunteering at a hospital
Honors - Provost's Honors, those National Honor stuff

i will be applying to UCSF and University of Colorado.

Considering I might not get my BAchelor's yet, what will be my chances?

thanks a lot, i know these threads are repetitive

Do good on the pcat and you should be fine. Also, is your volunteering in the hospital @ the pharmacy? If not, get some pharmacy experience.