NIH Summer research during 3rd year.

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avatar: Mr. Wood Berry
15+ Year Member
Apr 8, 2007
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Anybody here participate in the research projects affiliated with NIH? I did a search on the forum, but didn't find too much. Was hoping maybe some recent posters could provide their input about the program.

As an IMG I'm really interested in participating in a project, but I feel that being an IMG and not having done any research in my undergrad, is a limiting factor. Anybody here that could provide any input, recommendations, on how to be considered a competitive applicant, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Anybody here participate in the research projects affiliated with NIH? I did a search on the forum, but didn't find too much. Was hoping maybe some recent posters could provide their input about the program.

As an IMG I'm really interested in participating in a project, but I feel that being an IMG and not having done any research in my undergrad, is a limiting factor. Anybody here that could provide any input, recommendations, on how to be considered a competitive applicant, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Not sure if you're asking about NIH specifically or how to be a competitive residency applicant.

In general its really tough to land a gig at NIH. Connections are usually the way to get in unless you're from some top program.

I was there a few summers in high school (SIP). Got my name on a few pubs (though I had no clue what was going on) :laugh: Those were all paid internships.

I'm heading back there in the Fall but it'll now be voluntary. Having NIH on the resume really seems to get noticed in the biomedical world (and even outside - consulting). I'm certainly banking on it helping me.

You can def look through their site and try and shoot emails to PIs and see if you can get something going. The paperwork is annoying though, lot of security, etc and can take time so get started on that ASAP if you're planning to set something up.
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That's the one I was talking about "SIP".
Definitely apply and try and email people there.

Thats the same one I did for 3 summers in Rad Onc while I was in high school and into undegrad. Once you're in the system its awesome, I never had to re-apply from scratch because the PI liked me and just invited me back. I know another intern at the time was in med school and got the push (phone calls) from his PI into a Rad Onc residency spot.
Also look into HHMI if you're interesting in taking a whole year off between 3rd and 4th year. I'm not sure how you have time to do more than 1 (or possibly 2) summers while in medical school for research.