NO Extracurriculars in Med School?

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7+ Year Member
Feb 1, 2015
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So I'm an newly-minted M2...and I realize I have like zero extracurriculars. I'm taking classes, realize that boards are ahead, and am involved in research, but have no participation in leadership activities like student gov, interest groups, etc like my classmates. I did some shadowing but it was mainly for my personal enrichment to see what the fields are like, not really something I imagine will end up on ERAS.

I also kinda stopped my hobbies after med school started last year, since I didnt have much time. While I hang out with friends and attend some interest group events, these are things I do for fun/to learn and don't really think they are application worthy either.

I hear that boards>clerkship evals/LORs>grades or something like that, but are we expected to have any other ECs like leadership? I imagine we can/should list a hobby or two, but they don't need to be anything major right (like accomplishments in sports/arts)?

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EC's may matter when the AOA cohort is selected.
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EC's may matter when the AOA cohort is selected.

They don't. The only people who think ECs matter are the 21-23 year olds in med school who only a few short years ago were doing things like debate team, varsity lacrosse, and student government in their high school. ECs matter to a small degree to get into some elite colleges. After this, the purpose of ECs (and really anything else you do in life) is for your own personal self-fulfillment. Takes people a while to realize this.
They don't. The only people who think ECs matter are the 21-23 year olds in med school who only a few short years ago were doing things like debate team, varsity lacrosse, and student government in their high school. ECs matter to a small degree to get into some elite colleges. After this, the purpose of ECs (and really anything else you do in life) is for your own personal self-fulfillment. Takes people a while to realize this.
Ummm, they do matter for AOA...
Also, not as critical for residency, but depending on the specialty they matter to some extent.
Ummm, they do matter for AOA...
Also, not as critical for residency, but depending on the specialty they matter to some extent.

I think it's school-dependent. Some schools put a bigger focus on grades/scores when it comes to AOA but other schools put more of a focus on ECs, leadership, etc.
This is refreshing to hear. I am an M2 and the only thing I have done is research, which I started at the beginning of M1. I went in with the mindset med school ECs are worthless, which they probably are unless you do something so extraordinary. Even at that point it is probably just a talking point in an interview

I would much rather hang out with non med school friends that keep me sane than feel the obligation to volunteer at the free clinic or help little Sally with her homework every Sunday morning. But to each their own

Edit: Still will feel weird filling in my ERAS in a couple years with minimal activity outside of school/research
They don't. The only people who think ECs matter are the 21-23 year olds in med school who only a few short years ago were doing things like debate team, varsity lacrosse, and student government in their high school. ECs matter to a small degree to get into some elite colleges. After this, the purpose of ECs (and really anything else you do in life) is for your own personal self-fulfillment. Takes people a while to realize this.

I can't tell if this was an indirect ad hominem or not, but I'll just own up to it and say I fall into the age range you referenced, but my post saying that they may matter for AOA is not inaccurate. There are quite a few schools that elect AOA members with EC's in mind. My school specifically does. Your Step 1 and clinical grades get you an application and your EC's help get you the invitation. My school is also not the only one that does this.