I would treat this one as a septic patient. Have a helper around if possible. Two large bore IV's, Foley, LR bolus up to 30 ml/kg or until decent urine output, A-line, central line, pressors ready. That's before we do anything else. (Maybe the central line +/- post induction, depending how she behaves during induction.) Wide spectrum antibiotics, including anaerobes. NG tube, continuous suction. Preoxygenation. If concerned about cardiovascular/sympathetic reserve and crash on induction (most probable, how high are the fever, WBC and tachycardia?), controlled induction with fentanyl, touch of versed, propofol and pressors, sux; otherwise, I would just bring the SBP to 160 pre-induction and RSI with same meds. Tube. (All these assuming airway looks easy.)
I would try to convince the surgeon that this is a disaster waiting to happen, and to be assisted/replaced by the fastest surgeon around.
There is also the question of open vs lap chole. I don't think this lady would do well with laparoscopy (given both her anesthetic and surgical status), so I would encourage the surgeon to do it open. Question for surgeon whether this could be temporized by IR and perc cholecystostomy and abscess evacuation, at least until SIRS/sepsis is under control.
Intraop, continue fluids and pressors as needed (try to keep on dry side). Also consider stress steroids if pressor resistance. Monitor ScvO2, ABGs.
What am I missing? (Haven't done one of these in almost 3 years.)