non-eu but accredited, wanna work in EU countries

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Sep 3, 2017
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I'm a veterinary medicine student from Turkey. My university (Uludag University) was accredited by EAEVE. As you may know, Turkey is a non-EU country and i'm looking for the terms of conditions to work in an EU country. Do EU countries have their own conditions apart from EAEVE standarts ? If so where can we find these documents?

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I'm a veterinary medicine student from Turkey. My university (Uludag University) was accredited by EAEVE. As you may know, Turkey is a non-EU country and i'm looking for the terms of conditions to work in an EU country. Do EU countries have their own conditions apart from EAEVE standarts ? If so where can we find these documents?
If the EU accreditation works like the AVMA accreditation, you should be able to find the information from the regulatory board of the specific country you're looking at. On their website you should find the licensing requirements for non-residents from accredited schools. I'm sure you need to take the licensing exam, but no more than any EU vet would have to.